Poems - 150.

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Chapter 150

"You alright, Lia?" asked Adria as she sat with the girl at the at the Slytherin table, watching the girl as she looked past Adria at something - or rather, someone - behind her. The girl snapped from her daze, her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at Adria, her head titled as she stared at Adria.

"Wha- I'm fine," she shrugged, forcing a smile onto her lips, a sigh floating through the air curtsey of the girl, "I'm perfectly fine sitting on my own most days, and getting stood up, it's perfectly alright for me to wait around out in the courtyard for an hour waiting for my best friend, only for her to show up with her boyfriend."

Adria sighed, sending her a sympathetic smile, "Alina is doing that?"

Lia's shoulders slumped, a frown taking over her lips, "I understand that she wants to spend time with Jesse, and he's not too bad, he's alright, I suppose, but she spends all of her time with him. Even Eliot, who has apologised with a good enough bloody excuse as to why he didn't defend her has noticed, she's ignoring us for him, and I love her, she'll always be my best friend, and I know this is her first boyfriend, but Sirius is your first boyfriend, and you're here with me!"

"She shouldn't be doing that, Lia," Adria sighed, "I love her with all my heart, and I love you too, and I suppose Jesse isn't a bad bloke, but that doesn't give her any excuse to ignore her friends for him. Friends are forever, and whilst Jesse might be too, that still doesn't give her any right, even if they want to spend their time together, they still need to realise that their friends should be a priority too. You and Alina have been friends for years, she shouldn't ignore you for him, she shouldn't stand you up, it's not her, it's unfair!"

"I don't want her getting upset," Lia whispered quietly, her eyes on the ground, "I just- It's just upsetting, I suppose."

"Lia, she's a big girl, she should know right from wrong, and this is definitely wrong, I'm not going to let her get away with this," Adria tutted, her eyebrows knitted together, "it's not fair!"

"But-" Lia cut herself off, running a hand through her blue hair, a puff of air floating from her lips, "I don't want her hating me."

"I won't mention you, if you don't want me to-"

"No," Lia shook her head, "I want you too."

"Alright," Adria smiled softly, leaning over to squeeze Lia's hand comfortingly, "Lia I'm your best friend, I know that I don't hang out with you as much as I'd wished too, but that was only because I knew you had Alina, but now that she's going with Jesse, you are more than welcome to join me and the group, you're always welcome, everyone loves you!"

"I don't want you thinking that I'm just there because Alina isn't here anymore," Lia mumbled softly, her eyes on the table whilst Adria sighed.

"I'd never think that, in fact, I miss you, Lia, I barely see you anymore, so whenever I do see you, it's great, if I knew this was happening I would have made sure to say something a long time ago, I'm going to talk to Eliot too," Adria sighed, "I wouldn't get involved in Alina's life if it wasn't something important, but if one of my friends left me because of their boyfriend, and started standing me up, I wouldn't be happy, it's wrong, and cruel, and I won't tolerate it from my sister who knows better than to do this!"

"But what if it's not her, but Jesse?" Lia asked, shaking her head as she spoke, "I don't know, though, I'm sure I saw Jesse with his friends not too long ago."

"So where was Alina?"

"I really don't know, I don't know if I've done something, or if she doesn't want to be my friend anymore," Lia whispered, her bottom lip between her teeth, closing her eyes as though she was trying to stop tears, "maybe she's sick of me?"

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