Poems - 172.

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Chapter 172

There must have been at least twenty of them all huddled together as they walked down the hall, more important things on their minds than crowding up the hallway that they walked down, all surrounding Sirius and Adria who walked between them, hands clutched in each other, it looked all too dramatic, but all Sirius could think of was how amazing friends he had, some of which he was surprised was so quick to support him, but nonetheless walked with their heads held high around him.

When Alina heard, the truth told from Adria's lips, what truly happened, what Keira did, it was safe to say that the girl was blinded by rage as she left the Gryffindor common room, not exactly seeking out Keira but found her nonetheless, seeing the look on the girls face as she walked with a girl unfamiliar to Alina, both of them laughing at the look on the girls face.

"Something funny?" asked Alina, her wand at the ready if she needed it, but sometimes the muggle way was more efficient, and the Slytherin was more than happy to use it.

"Your face, mostly," Keira shrugged, her friend bursting into a convulsion of laughter whilst Alina couldn't help but roll her eyes at the pathetic attempt at an insult, but nonetheless did she step forward.

"You know I'm really proud of Professor Dumbledore for branching out on who can learn at Hogwarts," Alina smiled sweetly, "looks like troll where the newest edition."

"You little-"

"If you ever look at Sirius in any way, I swear I will kill you," Alina cut her off, her eyes narrowed as she stared at the girl pushed against the wall, "if you look at any of my friends, any of his friends, or any of Adria's friends, approach us, anything, I will make sure that looking like a troll is the least of your worries."

It was safe to say after that Keira didn't laugh much when she saw Alina.

They weren't sure what they could do, deciding that if anyone would take their side it would be McGonagall, it was obvious she was fond of Sirius, even with his nature to get into trouble, she wasn't one to give it to him much anymore, turning her head, or turning in the opposite direction when the boy did something that he really shouldn't have, not to mention that she was Adria's favourite teacher, the girl had full faith in her.

Finn and Milo stood at each side of Sirius and Adria, streaks of paint across their cheeks as though they were going into battle, the sight couldn't help but ease the tension they all felt. Sirius had said countless times that it was just a kiss, it shouldn't be much of a big deal, but his friends were quick to shut him down, to tell him how wrong he was, because had he kissed her back, then yes, it would have just been a kiss, but he didn't, he really didn't.

It shouldn't be taken lightly, because Adria, and all of them knew that had it been switched, had Sirius been a girl, and Keira a boy, then it wouldn't have been the same situation, it wouldn't have been cheating, or classed as that, or related to that, it would have been taken as the harassment that it was, regardless of Keira's gender she assaulted him, sexually assaulted him, kissed him without consent.

She forced him against the wall and made sure he stayed there for her own pleasure, took control over him, strong enough to make him feel weak when he was anything but. For two months he had lost everyone, whilst having this to think over, creeping up on him, but in actual fact, for those two months, he hadn't thought about it, he thought to just wave it off, because he wasn't a girl, he knew that if it had been a girl it would have been different, so it made him think when Adria opened his eyes.

Why was it any different?

Why was he taught to enjoy it, even if he didn't, when he should have been taught to speak up.

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