Poems - 127.

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Chapter 127

The warmer air breezing through from the courtyard one afternoon in March was enough to send a smile onto Adria's lips, it was still a little breezy, which of course was unsurprising in the Scottish Highlands which the castle situated on, but nonetheless her mood had drastically improved with the brighter day.

Of course, she couldn't help but frown when she turned the corner.

There she stood, Jessica, a previous bully to Adria with her two best friends behind her, standing, towering actually, over a boy on the floor. The boy was familiar to Adria, she was sure she had seen him in some of her classes, a hufflepuff, maybe, with very dark brown hair and a little lanky at the most.

"Gulliver?!" Jessica screeched, a high-pitched laugh escaping her lips, "what kind of name is Gulliver?!"

"Well, this may come as a shock, it's mine," the boy on the floor spoke in ear shot of Adria, sending an amused smile onto her lips at the boy's sarcasm.

Jessica went to kick him, really, full on kick the boy for answering back, and just before she could a, "Jessica? Is that you!" came from Adria, stepping forward and suddenly capturing her attention.

"Oh goodness!" Adria exclaimed, "I almost didn't notice you with hair!" she gasped, clutching her heart when she watched Jessica visibly step back with a scowl atop of her lips.

"Charlotte!" Adria grinned, turning to the girl just right of Jessica, "how's the horns, you're covering them well, oh and Maya, got your tongue back?!"

The girls where silent for a few moments, looking at each other for a few moments and then to the boy, Gulliver, until they turned hurriedly and rushed down the hall, leaving Adria alone to turn to the boy on the ground.

"You helped me?!" the boy asked, wide eyed as he scrambled to his feet, visibly towering over Adria who nodded with a laugh.

"I believe so," Adria nodded, "Gulliver, right?"

"Well, yeah, but not really, I get called Gully," he shrugged, watching Adria move to pick up his books scrambled around the floor, "y'know, you probably shouldn't be helping me, I wouldn't, uh, well I wouldn't want Sirius Black to get mad."

At this Adria, couldn't help but laugh out loud as she handed him back his bag, "don't be scared of Sirius," she waved him off.

"Well it's kinda hard y'know," Gulliv-Gully muttered, "he's a little, um, intimidating."

"Seriously?" Adria scoffed, "oh please, he wouldn't hurt a fly!"

"He beat up the old captain," Gully deadpanned, his eyebrow raised as he watched her grin sheepishly.

"He done it because the arse pushed me off my broom," she shrugged, walking down the hallway in the direction of the hospital wing, "he deserved it, and whilst Sirius gets a little Jealous, and so do I, I'm not going to not talk to someone just because he's my boyfriend!"

"Really?" asked Gully, watching her nod with a look quite obviously saying 'duh'.

"So, Gully, why was Jessica annoying you?" she asked, rolling her eyes and vividly remembering last year and her run in with the now seventh year.

"Because I'm apparently too tall," Gully shrugged, "and my name, obviously, I mean how much do my parents hate me, I sound like a fifty-year-old sailor who hasn't caught a fish since his big break when he was twenty-two," Adria couldn't help but laugh.

"So of course, you had to go for the subtler nickname, Gully, right?" she asked, raising her eyebrow sarcastically.

"Well I mean Ivar just sounds a bit weird, right?" asked Gully, watching as she nodded her head, her nose scrunched up as she done so.

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