Poems - 86.

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Chapter 86

September, as well as October seemed to go in rather quickly for Adria, surprisingly enough. It was almost nearing the end of October, Halloween was less than a week away and they had endured the second full moon Remus had to go through with ease.

Adria's animagus came in rather handy if she was honest, especially when she didn't feel up to talking to anyone, like now, as she lay on Sirius' bed whilst the boys where off skipping classes to set up a 'particularly big prank' in their own words. Her fur shielded her from the autumn air that flew around the room, and whilst it was odd to think of herself having fur, she really wasn't complaining.

It was rather entertaining being a cat, if she was bored she found herself picking fights with the other Hogwarts cats, who always seemed up for it, she only hoped neither of her 'victims' where McGonagall.

The date was the 26th of October, a particularly tough day for Adria, which she of course spent tucked away, she wished to see Alina, but she didn't know if this would be the wrong time, unsure if the girl had gone to her classes or not.

Three months had passed since her mother had died.

Three months without Judy Hopkins on earth and the thought was terrifying, she wondered how many more months she would need to cope, how much time she would need to fully get over it, it pained her terribly, she wished herself that she could go back to her old ways, that she could walk up to her friends and have the biggest laugh.

She had even missed Quidditch try outs, which was a great misfortune for everyone, but what was a particular awkward encounter was the quidditch captain making sure to track Adria down to ask why.

You see, not many people, only the mere few students at Hogwarts, the avid gossipers if you will, where the only ones to know of the passing of the Hopkins sisters mother, and well, the Quidditch captain was not an avid gossiper.

So, with anger pulsing through him as he marched up to her in the hall barking, "you didn't try out for Quidditch this year, what is wrong with you?!" in her face, resulting in the girl wide eyes who was desperately trying to keep herself together, had to be saved by none other than her boyfriend.

"She's going through a lot this year, mate," Sirius stepped in, his arm protectively around Adria who was rendered speechless, unsure of what to do, in fact, she had completely forgotten about Quidditch if it were not for the boy's outburst.

"Going through a lot?!" the captain exclaimed, "she's the best seeker we've had, what could possibly be worse than skipping try outs?!" he shrieked.

"Oh, I don't know, her mum dying maybe!" Sirius shouted, wide eyed as he pushed the boy up against the wall, anger pulsing through him that he thought he had the right to talk to Adria like that, "now if you'd like to be able to play Quidditch this year I suggest you leave her alone," Sirius growled, the boy's robes clutched in his hands as he forcefully shoved him once again against the cold stone the wall offered.

"I-I didn't know, A-Adria, Merlin, I-I'm sorry," the boy gasped, visibly scared of Sirius who evidently towered over him.

Adria stepped forward, completely unhappy with the attention she was getting from people around her, and as she reached out to grab Sirius' arm, sending him a look that told him she was okay, she whispered, "let him go, it's okay," she pulled his arm back, ultimately helping Sirius release the poor boy who repeated his apologies before rushing quickly down the hall.

As much as angry Sirius was hot as hell, she did feel terribly sorry for how terrified the boy was.

She knew that it wasn't a good idea to skip classes to spend it sleeping and thinking of her mother who would completely disapprove of her skipping - unless she was spending the day wisely, of course - and as pathetic as she was feeling, she knew she wouldn't have gotten any work done anyway, no matter what class she went to.

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