Poems - 78.

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[A/N this author's note is probably going to be a long one but I promise there's a chapter after it.

Okay so I assume some - if not all - of you hate me right now for killing off a character like Judy. I bet there is a million questions. Why Judy? Why anyone? Why Adria's mother? Why kill in the first place? And I have answers as to why.

I loved Judy, I love Judy, and writing that last chapter was very hard, and don't think it was a sudden moment kind of thing, but I had been planning it for a long time. It wasn't just a death to make the story interesting, but I needed something that would break Adria, I needed something that would hurt her to the point of complete emotionless, and the only person I thought could really impact Adria to the point where she shatters is her mother.

Judy wasn't just a big aspect in Adria's life, for every life she entered, she left an effect, and that's incredibly important. To Sirius, Judy was everything that his mother wasn't, to Lia, it was the same. For the small portion of time that Judy knew Lia, she provided her with a happy life that Lia hadn't seen much of, and for Sirius, she gave him a mother's love, she helped him, and as painful as it was, she was a mother figure to him, just like James' mother too.

There are a limited amount of reasons to kill off Judy, but one of them was that she wasn't a wizard. She was barely in the story, she made an appearance over summers, and Christmas, but that was it, but still, she managed to impact you all as readers of this book, and I needed that.

I needed Judy to be well liked, because I didn't want this book to be filled with magic, i wanted to explore the muggle part of Adria, she's a muggleborn, and for ten years of her life, she was unknown to magic, she had her family which she loved and I needed to show that.

I need all of you as the readers to understand the pain that Adria would be going through, because Judy had an impact, she was a favourite character of mine too, but I barely every written her. I made her like that, gave her a well-liked personality because it was painful to let her go, so imagine being her daughter, her family.

She wasn't killed with magic, she wasn't brutally murdered, she had complications during pregnancy, which is a highly common death, which I put into the book because it was real.

And you know what else is real? Sexuality. Not everyone is going to be straight, and not everyone is, even back in the marauders era, which is why I wasn't going to write my book with every single character straight.

I wasn't going to write poems where Adria's family was just side characters, and the only people in the book was Adria and the marauders, and Lily, because that's not exploring what I could do, this book isn't real, and I can explore every possibility, which is why I added Finn and Milo, Lia, Blair, Isaac as well as characters already linked to the marauders, Marlene, Dorcas and Mary.

HGWhovian wrote a comment on chapter 77 about Judy's death and it perfectly sums up why I done it.

HGWhovian  wrote a comment on chapter 77 about Judy's death and it perfectly sums up why I done it

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