Poems - 9.

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Chapter 9

The common room was particularly cold the night before Halloween, Adria was trying her best to warm herself up with multiple blankets which she stole from her dorm mates beds. Her cheeks were flushed pink and her nose resembled Rudolph as she stared down at the book resting against the blanket draped over her legs. Remus sat opposite of her with his legs tucked under the blanket whilst he quietly flipped through the book lazily held in his hand, both students were completely drained from the past few days, but of course in different ways.

Whilst Adria was extremely worried about Remus when he mysteriously disappeared for two days, only to return looking completely drained of life and scars littering the skin that she could see, she was extremely stressed about the amounts of work that she couldn't seem to catch up on. Lily had kindly managed to help her overcome a chunk of it, but that didn't even put so much as a dent in what she really needed to do.

Remus, on the other hand wasn't feeling up to much as his head drooped onto the back of the sofa, the book he previously was reading now lay on his knees which mimicked Adria and his eyes drooped multiple times before he finally let himself rest. The full moon had been a particularly terrible one for him, the amount of unknown rage and anger built up inside him had exploded out of him in one massive rage only to backfire with the amount of injuries the boy had managed to do to himself.

Adria couldn't bring herself to ask Remus what was wrong, and his friends weren't much help either. Of course, it didn't take a genius to know something was up seeing as Remus' friends - excluding Peter - had gotten extremely defensive when Adria showed her concern but she didn't want to pry, and instead thought asking Remus at some point may be the only idea.

Of course as she looked up from her book to see the boys mouth parted slightly and his eyes tightly closed, she knew that this moment wasn't the best of times. With a small puff of air leaving her lips, she pushed herself up from the common room couch and instead covered the boy with the blankets she previously hogged. He needed more comfort than she did, and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to help him.

"It's rude to stare." With a jump in the other direction, Adria's concerned look turned to annoyance at the sight of Sirius Black standing in front of her. A small amused smirk lurked his face, his arms crossed over his chest and his skin glowing orange from the lit fire.

"It's rude to but into other people's business," Adria huffed, her eyes narrowing with every passing moment. She grabbed her book and her sparkly pen and stalked out of the common room with a -still- amused Black trailing after her, "It's also rude to follow people who do not want to be followed!" Adria grumbled.

With every second passing Adria seemed to be growing angrier with Sirius as he continued to follow her no matter where she went. With every sharp turn and narrow hall that she stalked down, Sirius wasn't far behind. She wondered where James and Peter were, and why he wasn't off bothering them but instead of slowing down to ask the annoying excuse of a boy, she instead continued on her trail to try and get away from him.

The paintings which hung in the dimly lit hallways made sure to greet the girl in her passing, to which she politely greeted back with a small smile forced on her face. Her irritation grew when she heard the stomping footsteps of Sirius behind her, and finally had she given up.

With a low growl escaping her mouth, she stopped dead in her tracks and turned abruptly to face the boy who looked rather surprised that she had finally stopped and whilst he had just been joking around with her, the look on her face definitely showed him that she didn't like it.

"Do you take pride in being an insufferable, annoying, pest?!" Adria's voice boomed, hitting across the hallway and ultimately sending the biggest look of shock onto the young boys face.

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