Poems - 156.

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Chapter 156

"I love you," Sirius whispered suddenly through the silence of the air floating around Adria's room, simply blurted it out between the spaces of air, filling the room with his voice that put a smile wide on Adria's lips, "to the moon and back, and a stop within the stars if you can believe it, and you know what, I want that- new tattoo, that's what I want- no! I want you, I'm going to get a giant portrait of your face on my chest an-"

"Sirius?" Adria giggled, turning in his arms to look at him, her hand cupping his cheek, "did you steal fire whiskey?"

"No, but you stole my heart," he smirked, pulling her closer, allowing her to straddle his lips as his hands slowly creeped up her thighs, "do you love me?"

"Do you really have to ask that?" she whispered wide eyed, her thumb swiping over his lip softly, watching him part them and soon pressing hers slowly on his, a soft breath tumbling from her lips, "do you really want to know how much I love you Sirius Black? It may take a while though- I don't think there's enough hours in the day to truly be able to finally complete my love for you."

He smiled softly, "I'm scared, Adria, everything is so perfect, so wonderful, you are wonderful and I'm worried that when we go back we won't see each other much, we'll not have the time we used to have because of exams, I mean- bloody Newts, education is important but everyone always tells you family and future are more important, and well that's you, you're my family and my future and I barely got to see you much before Christmas because we were just so busy then too, and I'm scared that you're going to fall out of love with me, that you're going to realise that your life is pretty good when I'm not in it, that it won't matter if I'm not there because you don't need me."

Her lips had parted, heart racing in her chest as though she had been stabbed multiple times, her breath shaky as she took his head in her hands, kissing every inch of skin, brushing her lips to find his, a forceful kiss pushed onto his lips, filled with shaky hands clutching him tightly, a single tear running down her cheek, she couldn't help her emotions, she couldn't help her love for Sirius, the fact that he was the only boy she had ever loved, ever been in love with, first kiss...first everything, he was the love of her life, she simply couldn't care less if they were only seventeen, it didn't make any difference to her, she was in love with the boy she was staring at, and she would tell anyone she should.

"There is no way, no way Sirius Black, that I could ever, ever fall out of love with you, it's not even an option, there is no way I could wake up in the morning and look at you and never not love you, merlin, Sirius, I can barely go a few classes without seeing you, it's been a few years, and yes, I know, we're still in hour honeymoon phase or whatever, but maybe we're not, maybe it's just love, I know that you'll always be there for me, and that fact alone just makes me love you more, waking up, and seeing you beside me made me love you more, but I think it's gotten to the point that I simply can't love you more than I already do, because merlin, I am so painfully, unequivocally, seriously in love with you, until the day I die, and every day after, for ever and ever til the end.

I love you to the moon and back Sirius Black, and a stop within the stars, and you know what, maybe a stop on mars too, and Venus, and Pluto, and Saturn, and every other planet, and I will never not love you, because I have you, I can kiss you when I want, I can hold you and kiss you and I could never let that go, I could never let you go. You helped me, you where there for me through everything, and even the fact that you think I could just makes me so painfully sad," she shook her head, her eyes swimming with sadness, and love, and adoration and every possible emotion she had for the boy surrounding the love they shared.

Sirius was speechless almost as he stared at her, his hands on her thighs until he trailed one up to the back of her neck, pulling her down and soon connecting their lips, hungrily, passionately. Nothing could truly get in the middle of them, they were far too strong, they had battles in the past that they solved quickly with love, and trust, and communication, and they were the ones to come out stronger, and they always would, they would do anything for each other, to be with each other, and soon they would be out in the world, defenceless.

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