Poems - 18.

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Chapter 18

"When I said tour the village, I didn't mean sit on the swings and do nothing," Adria laughed as her and Sirius rocked slightly on the swings in the village park.

"Where else is there to go?!" Sirius exclaimed, turning slightly on his swing to face Adria who looked terribly cold. She only had on a mustard coloured dress, a thin cardigan, tights and boots where she kept her wand even though she wasn't allowed to use it, it was still tucked into the gap of her boot. The thing was, seeing as she was an extremely stubborn girl, when her mum told her to put on a jacket, she refused saying how she wouldn't be cold, she was wrong.

"The old witches house!" Adria exclaimed, "I told you this at breakfast!"

"I thought you where joking, in my defence." Sirius pointed out, picking up pace on his swing, Adria followed his lead as she swung in the air.

"No, she lives through the woods, apparently." Adria shrugged, "I just can't be bothered walking any longer."

"Neither can I," Sirius mumbled, watching Adria throw her hair back as she swung, resulting in her extremely long hair blowing everywhere, "that was a bit stupid."

She glared at him as she put her foot down to stop her swing, "oh shush." She huffed, although a small smile was evident on her face.

"Y'know I'm really glad your parents invited me," Sirius said quietly, Adria's smile widened as she turned to look at him, "but are you happy that they invited me?"

"Of course I am, Sirius," Adria chuckled, "I'll be honest it was a bit of a shock, and if someone told me that you'd be joining my family for Christmas at the start of the year i'd probably punch them for lying, but we're friends now and I'm really glad that you're here." She grinned.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes focused on the ground whilst Adria's focused on him.

"Yes, Sirius," she laughed, "now lighten up!" she pushed his swing, almost making him fall until he caught himself, resulting in her bursting into giggles.

"If I could use my wand right now yo-"

"But you can't!" Adria grinned standing from the swing and backing away, "if you can catch me, I'll share my prank war winnings."

"Prank war winnings?" asked Sirius, completely confused.

"Yes!" Adria laughed as though it was the most obvious thing, "the loser of the prank war has to be the maid of the winner for the rest of the holiday."

"Poor Benji." Sirius scoffed, noting that Adria was creeping away from him with every passing moment, "and all I have to do is catch you?"

"You say that as if it's easy," Adria smirked, a glint of mischief in her eyes, "You in?"

Sirius smiled widely, nodding his head and said, "run." Which Adria did, she turned on her heel as quickly as she could, running out of the gate connecting the park to the street and down the hill. She picked up her pace when she heard Sirius closing in on her and crossed the road to the fields that shone in the sunset, she was laughing loudly when she heard Sirius breathing behind her and almost hesitated in her step when she realised it was a little too muddy, but instead of faltering she picked up her speed to as fast as she could go and ran further into the tall grass.

The cold, Scottish, winter air was nipping at her skin as she ran up the hill of the empty field, manoeuvring her way around puddles, just like Sirius was doing close behind her. She was beating him, but she didn't mind sharing Benji with him if she won - when she won - the prank war, in fact she only wanted to have some fun and the two of them where ecstatic.

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