Poems - 2.

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Chapter 2

A groan escaped Adria's lips as she stretched her aching muscles, her eyes blinked several times until she managed to see her surroundings clearly. Although, she wasn't sure if what she was seeing was true.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she scanned up at the four faces peering down at her, without a word she grabbed her book from beside her realising that she was sitting in the window seat from earlier. The sun had gone down to now be replaced with the dark sky, which illuminated with the lights from inside the castle.

Trying her best not to look at Sirius Black and his friends, Adria pushed herself through the four boys and hurried down the halls of the castle. She knew the halls inside and out, it wasn't hard to remember considering she spent most of her time looking for the perfect place to get comfortable, although she had never fallen asleep before.

The castle seemed to be fairly quiet, and she hoped that she wasn't out after she shouldn't be. The last thing she needed was a detention from Filch, her first detention from Filch. She had heard James Potter and his friends talking about them in the Gryffindor common room and she was certain that she never wanted to endure that kind of torture.

"Adria!" Hearing the sound of her voice made her jump, thankful that it wasn't the sound of Filch's voice but she was pretty sure he didn't know her name. Adria turned around to see the four boys running towards her, slightly panting as they caught up with her.

"Do you want a detention?" Remus Lupin the kind boy from her potions class asked, Adria's eyebrows furrowed as she shook her head furiously.

"Okay, then run!" James said and Adria's eyes widened as she attempted to process what was going on. Sirius had grabbed her arm making her run with the four boys, her legs were already aching when they reached a corner not far from where they found her.

James looked somewhat defeated as he looked at his surroundings, clearly in no way knowing where he was going, Adria bit her lip as she silently debated offering help. She was still feeling slightly awkward at Sirius hand still wrapped around her arms.

"Uh...where are we going?" Adria finally questioned quietly as the five of them stood in the dull hall.

"Well," James sighed, placing his hands on his hips, "I was trying to get us back to the Gryffindor common room, but I think we're lost." The thirteen-year-old huffed, scratching his head whilst messing up his already messy hair.

"Oh!" Adria almost shouted, cringing slightly at her own voice as the four boys stared at her. She wanted more than anything to not be hunted by Filtch, or whatever professor was lurking the halls, "Th-that's easy it's not far." Adria muttered.

Without another word, Adria shrugged Sirius' hand off of her arm then proceeded to walk in the direction they came. The four boys shared a confused look with each other, unsure whether to trust the mysterious girl or not. They had never heard her speak so many words before, they weren't even sure how they came across her sleeping.

Adria quickly turned the corner they seemed to have missed when they were running, leading them out to the staircases. The lights in the hall were very dim, but what confused the girl most was the number of students roaming the halls to the sides of her, and on the stairs.

Shaking the thought from her mind, Adria walked up the staircase that took them directly to the Gryffindor common room. The boys trailed behind her, slightly embarrassed about how quickly it took the girl to navigate the halls.

"Hello," Adria said politely to the portrait, she proceeded to say the password and the five of them watch as the door swung open. Without saying another word to the boys, Adria passed the common room and to the stairs where the boys watched her leave to her room.

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