Poems - 126.

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Chapter 126

"Do it."



"I'm scared, Sirius, what if he laughs at me, or walks out, or shouts?" Adria sighed, her head falling onto the table as she sat in the library, hidden from view behind a book of Milo who sat a few tables down.

"Adria look at him," Sirius groaned quietly, nudging his head - subtly - to Milo who really did look as miserable as Adria.

"I can't lose him, Sirius," she mumbled, frowning as she done so, "and if I go over there, and he doesn't accept my apology then that's it, isn't it? I've lost him."

"You're losing him right now, Addy," Sirius sighed, leaning forward ever so slightly to kiss her forehead, "and with every passing moment you're straying from him, and I hate seeing you like this, baby girl, I won't have it, if you aren't going over there then I will."

"Wha- Sirius, no!" she shook her head, allowing it to fall onto his shoulders whilst he sighed, "I'm sorry, I'm just scared, I know I said that, but it's true!"

"I know," he whispered, a small smile on his lips as he patted her head, "come on, be the Gryffindor I know you are."

She lifted her head, seeing the reassuring smile on his lips, finally, after more than a few moments did she nod, a sigh falling from her lips as she pushed herself up. She replayed every situation over in her head of what could go wrong, and with every inch closer, every thought got a lot more terrifying.

She closed her eyes as she walked only a few feet closer, unsure if she could do it, she was terrified, and what scared her more was that Milo hadn't even attempted to talk to her, she wondered how mad he was at her, because she was sure it was very, she wanted to apologise profusely, but doing that was a step in her terrifying plan that she wished never to do.

She moved a step forward until she felt a hand clutched in hers and soon turned to see Sirius standing beside her, a wide smile on his lips as he looked down at her, giving her hand a squeeze and soon did she speak, "wha-"

"Even Gryffindor's need a push Adria, I told you we would get through this together," he spoke, "and I'm not prepared to leave you now."

She felt her heart swell as she squeezed his hand, and his belief that she could do it, as the Gryffindor that she was, was enough for her to approach their table, hearing the end of their conversation until Finn's words died down and soon did Milo turn around, seeing Adria stand there at the table with a slight frown on her lips from the anxiety in her veins.

"L-look if you're here to kill me, I get it," Milo mumbled, slightly aimed towards Sirius who was more than confused, "I know I deserve it."

"W-what?" Adria gasped, her shoulders slumping and her eyes wide, "Milo I'm here to apologise!"

"What?!" he repeated her words, jumping up suddenly and looking between her and Sirius, his eyebrows furrowed slightly, "why are you apologising, you done nothing wrong? I should be the one to apologise!"

"No," Adria shook her head furiously, "I shouldn't have told you, you reacted as you should, you shouldn't apologise, I should!"

"You know that this will probably go on for like an hour or so, right?" Finn piped in, his eyebrow raised and an amused smirk that he couldn't seem to wipe off his lips.

He knew this was coming, he had been spending his time with Milo - which Adria completely understood - and every single day since the argument the two shared was a sulking Milo completely ridden with guilt at what he done, and counting down the days until Sirius came and killed him for being a completely terrible person to one of the only peoples that has ever cared about him.

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