Poems - 163.

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Chapter 163

"I'm tempted."

"Don't you dare."

"I'm gonna do it."

"Finn, I swear-" Adria squealed as she jumped out of Finn's way, wide eyed when the boy went tumbling into the black lake, and not a moment later did both Adria and Milo burst out laughing, unable to help themselves as the boy stood, completely drenched in water from head to toe, already shivering as the cold water creeped through him.

Even in January, the weather was surprisingly warm for the day, but not warm enough to heat up the poor boy, but soon was the blanket that Adria had brought to lie on with her two best friends now draped around Finn curtsey of his boyfriend now guiding him to sit down, pulling him close to him for his own heat as his teeth chattered with the cold and his hands clutched the blanket tightly.

"Karma, Finn, you completely deserved that," Adria giggled, shaking her head as the boy turned to glare at her, nudging Milo for support.

"Sorry baby, but she's right," Milo chuckled, leaning his head-on Finn's shoulder, "you were going to push her!"

"But still," Finn huffed, snuggling closer to Milo who took it upon himself to wrap his arms around the blonde-haired boy, trying his best to heat him up until Adria pulled out her wand, muttering something and soon was Finn drying off with the spell Adria had casted.

"You can let him go now, he's dry," Adria giggled moments after as she stuffed her wand back into her boot, tapping her fingers on the charms text book in front of her which she should have been studying.

"No, I don't think I will," Milo grinned, tightening his grip on Finn who was perfectly happy in Milo's arms.

"How cute," Adria teased, her head titled ever so slightly, "wish I had someone to cuddle me like that."

The two boys couldn't help but scoff, and soon after did Adria burst into a fit of giggles, "well I do," she huffed, "but who knows where he is!"

"Oh, who bloody knows," Milo chuckled, "tell me my favourite girl, what are your plans for after Hogwarts?"

"Oh, don't remind me that that's soon, one of my favourite boys," Adria groaned, throwing her head back and taking Finn's hand when he reached for hers, "I have no idea, Sirius and I have so many plans I'm not sure what is correct. I just know that I want to be with him, I don't want my family in danger, I want them safe and I want to know that they'll be safe, y'know?"

Milo nodded understandingly, "all I want is for my parents to be safe, and they know somethings going on, it's not hard to figure out, but after L-Lou died, well they're a lot more protective of me, if they knew there was a war going on, they'd bloody lock me up, I can't have them lose me, I couldn't do that to them, but I have to fight for myself and for you, and our friends, I couldn't live with myself if I sat back and watched a war waged on when I could help."

"Half-bloods aren't nearly as in much danger as muggleborn's, merlin some girl came up to me before class yesterday asking if I wanted to join their side, bloody bolted to class after that, but I'm gonna fight too, if not for myself but for the boy I'm completely in love with, and for the girl who is my sister, and for every other muggleborn that is in danger, I'll fight until my last breath for the people I love," Finn whispered, turning to Milo who couldn't help himself as he kissed the boy, his hand cupping his cheek whilst Adria watched with a sad smile.

She didn't know what she would do if she lost Finn and Milo, she loved them far too much to even think of that sort of thing, she needed them, they weren't just her best friends, they were so much more than that, they were her family, her brothers, a world without them wasn't one worth viewing.

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