Poems - 49.

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[A/N I just made this⇣ and I thought it was quite cute (it's the little quote in the description of this book)

[A/N I just made this⇣ and I thought it was quite cute (it's the little quote in the description of this book)

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I just thought I'd share it with u all lmao]

Chapter 49

"How am I going to tell them?!" Adria exclaimed as she sat in the train compartment with the four boys, her legs crossed in a basket and her hand squeezing Sirius' a little too hard. He winced slightly, pulling his hand from her grip and instead placed his arm around her.

"Adria, it's okay," Sirius chuckled, pulling her into him, "they'll be okay with it."

"But what if they aren't?!" she squeaked, "and hate you for the rest of your life, and then I can't see you because they forbid me and I feel guilty because I sneak around to see you and it's like real life Romeo and Juliet expect we won't die because we aren't that stupid-"

"Adria!" the four boys shouted, cutting off her rambling whilst her shoulders slumped.

"I'm sorry!" she groaned, "I just don't know how to tell my parents that we are going out, and I don't want it to be awkward!"

"I have a plan, Ads," Sirius reassured her, patting her cheek lightly as she frowned.

"Do I want to know it?" she asked warily, her hands clasped together in her lap as she watched Sirius shake his head.

"No, but don't worry," he grinned, "it'll speak loud and clearly."

"Will anyone want to kill you?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

"You probably," she threw her head back as she groaned, her hands finding her face as she shook her head.

"Adria calm down," James chuckled, "your parents are cool, I'm sure they'll be fine with it."

"They seem fine, but I've never had a boyfriend. This is my first time having a boyfriend, what If they disapprove, what if they shun Sirius. Everything was good when we were just going with the flow because I didn't really need to tell them, but it's all official now so I kinda need too!" she rambled on once again whilst Sirius stared at her with a mixture of happiness and amusement.

He never really understood why luck was on his side so much that he was able to call her his, but he didn't realise that she felt the exact same way. The two of them felt so much disbelief that the other liked them, they felt as though the other was better than they were and that they really didn't deserve each other, but they really where perfect for each other.

"Not to mention there is Alfie and Benji," her head fell on Sirius chest as she groaned once again, "the teasing, the over protectiveness I can't take it."

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Remus attempted to reassure her but failed when she threw him a look.

"James I'm coming to your house," Adria announced, wrapping her arm around Sirius' stomach to get herself comfortable.

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