Poems - 141.

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Chapter 141

"Do you know what," Adria tutted as she lay between Sirius' legs, her head lay on his bare stomach, her hand tracing the light bulb that was currently on, absentmindedly placing small kisses to his stomach as she spoke.

"What?" Sirius laughed, running his hands through her hair softly, gently untangling the long curls as best as he could, "you okay, baby girl?"

"Yes, I'm alright," she attempted to nod, pushing herself further up to be closer to him, "but I really miss irn bru."

"You had irn bru yesterday," Sirius scoffed, his eyebrow raised as Adria glared at him, pushing herself up to sit cross legged between his legs.

"It's not the same!" she exclaimed, "in Scotland, I could just waltz right down to the fridge, and oh look, there's irn bru, but here, it's all, having to walk four miles to find a tiny corner shop that may or may not sell a tiny bottle of it that I can drink in one go!"

"Calm down-"

She pushed herself forward until she was close to his face, her eyes narrowed and her finger pointed at him accusingly as she whispered, "do not tell a girl to calm down."

"Is it bad that you're turning me on right now?" he whispered, a cheeky smirk taking over his features as he watched her eyes narrow, although it was hard not to see the amused smile twitching over her lips.

"I hate you."

"You do not," he mumbled, his eyes evidently trailing to her lips, "I'll tell you what-"


His eyes lifted to hers to glare, seeing them wide - puppy like - he couldn't help the smile that fell onto his lips as his hand sneaked around her waist, pulling her closer, "if you kiss me, then I'll go get you some more irn bru."

"Tempting," she smirked, humming as she moved closer until their lips where brushing, and she couldn't help but feel proud when his breath hitched. She moved her lips to the very corner of his, pressing the tiniest kiss to his skin until she trailed down his jaw, moving to his neck.

"Adria," he growled, unable to see the smirk placed across her lips. She felt him tense ever so slightly, his hand gripping tighter at her waist as her lips brushed a specific spot, and not soon after was she kissing that very spot, sucking at the skin as he whispered empty protests, "you better not leave a mark."

She couldn't help but laugh as she pushed herself up after a few moments, sending him a cheeky smirk as she glanced at her work, lifting herself off of the bed before winking, "I already did."

"Oi!" Sirius exclaimed, capturing her quickly before she could walk out of the door, pulling her back, "where do you think you're going, you little tease!"

"I am not!" Adria exclaimed, casually closing the door by nudging it with her foot before turning around to face him, "don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh really?" asked Sirius, his eyebrow raised as he looked down at her, seeing her shrug as she wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly biting her lip as her eyes trailed over him, finally meeting his eyes and completely oblivious to the effect she had over him, "you are going to be the death of me, Adria Hopkins."

"I hope not," she frowned, suddenly squealing when he pushed her against the wall, "Sirius you gave me a heart attack!"

"I hope not," he mimicked her his hands trailing down her until they reached her thighs, and soon did she realise what he was doing, holding onto him as she wrapped her legs around his waist, "much better."

"Not if my dad walked in," she scoffed, a grin on her lips at the look he was giving her, "don't think he'd be too happy."

"No, I really wouldn't think so," Sirius nodded, his thumb tracing small circles on her thigh as he held her against the wall, taking in the grin on her lips, her eyes fluttering open and closed as she stared at him, swirling with adoration, soaring with happiness at the boy in front of her.

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