Poems - 19.

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Chapter 19

"Can you believe her!" Adria shrieked as she paced her room Christmas Eve, Sirius sat on the sofa bed with multiple letters addressed to both him and Adria from their friends, neither of them knew how their friends knew that Sirius was with them, but she had a feeling Lily Evans was to blame.

"Y'know, I don't know if you're madder at Alfie or Abigail." Sirius commented, sorting the mail for Adria into one pile, and his into another. He noted that she had a considerable amount of letters more than him, and wondered when she passed him on the popularity scale.

"I'm mad at them both!" Adria huffed, "but ive never liked Abigail so that fuels my rage for her." She sighed as she fell back onto her bed, she and Sirius where just back from a walk and Abigail was making sure to rub it in that Adria and Alfie had fallen out when she arrived back.

"Can't you just kick her out?" asked Sirius, scanning over the letter from Peter that he had gotten, "This is your house, and I'm almost positive that your family would be on your side."

"Yeah, except from Alfie." Adria grumbled, "If me and Abigail where in a burning building and he could save just one of us, I am almost certain that he'd save her!"

"Well he's in love, what do you expect?" Sirius laughed, "he's not in his right mind."

"But I'm his sister!" Adria groaned, walking over to Sirius to grab her pile of letters. She fell onto the bed beside him, a small smile breaking through her anger at the large amount of letters from all of her friends, she even had one from James.

"Also, when did you pass me on the popularity scale?" Sirius asked, leaving Adria completely confused, "I have three letters, you have eight."

"Trust me Sirius, you just have less close friends, but you are definitely much more popular." Adria scoffed as she rolled her eyes, "I can't believe he called us freaks."

"Well he said we went to a freak show school-"

"Which technically means he called us freaks!" Adria exclaimed, ripping open the letter from Lily, "also, at least you don't need to write back to eight people." Adria added, almost cringing at the pain her hand would be in.

"Very true." He muttered, "James wants to know when the wedding is." Sirius said as he read through said boy's letter.

"What?" Adria asked, leaning over Sirius' shoulder to read over the letter.

So, surprisingly, I was talking to Evans the day we left, and she told me that you were staying with Adria, a bit unexpected mate. Well anyway, since you two are already living together, I'm expecting a wedding invitation anytime soon, I'll make sure to keep a lookout for the. A wedding is a bit of a step up from adorable (your words not mine) but I'm sure it'll be any day now

"What does he mean by your words not mine?" Adria asked, "next to adorable." She pointed her finger at the line, completely unaware of the unwanted redness filling up Sirius' cheeks.

"James being a bloody idiot, is all." Sirius chuckled, putting his letter in a pile atop of Peters, "what did Lily say?"

Dear Adria,

How's Christmas with Sirius? Well I hope it's better than mines with Petunia because I'm on the verge of committing a murder. Not only does she talk nonstop of her 'completely normal' school, but it seems as though our entire relationship as sisters has gone completely out of the window. The only thing keeping me sane is Severus, thank god he lives near me.

"Severus isn't even sane himself." Sirius muttered as he leaned his head on Adria's shoulder to read the letter.

"Don't think Lily would be too pleased if I added that into her letter," Adria scoffed, folding It back into the envelope and picking up James' letter.

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