Poems - 145.

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Chapter 145

"I don't like you."

"I know."

"If you hurt her-"

"You'll kill me, I know."

"Adria, he's not listening!" Sirius exclaimed, his arms flailing around as he turned to Adria standing just behind him, her eyes trained on Jesse whose hand rested lazily on Alina's knee, his head resting atop of Alina's as hers rested on top of his shoulder.

"Listen to him," she huffed, stepping forward to take his hand, "no, actually listen to me-"

"Adria," Alina growled, moving to take Jesse's hand that rested on her leg, sharing a look with the boy.

"Alina," Adria matched her tone, throwing her a glare, "Alina is my baby sister, and I love her more than anyone in this world, if anything happened to her, I wouldn't be able to help myself, I would go crazy, so Jesse Morrison, if you hurt her, if you even touch her in the wrong way, if you raise your voice at her, so help me god I will drag you by the hair through the halls of Hogwarts and throw you off the astronomy tower, got it?"

The boy shared a look with Alina, taking a deep breath, he spoke, "got it."

"See, you're not allowed to do much, so you may as well just go find someone else," Sirius spoke, his eyes narrowed deeper as he pushed himself up, throwing his arm around Adria, "It's a lot of work, and we'll be watching you, closely, making sure that if you step out of line, Adria will be there ready, waiting."

"Guys, please-" Alina groaned, frowning when Jesse cut her off, standing up.

"That didn't take much!" Sirius scoffed, brightening when he thought the boy was moving to leave, but instead he stood in front of the two, only a few inches shorter than what Sirius was, and with a sigh, he shook his head.

"Look, I have a younger sister back home, her name is Noelle, and the thought of her getting a boyfriend is probably the worst thought to ever go through my head, so I know how it feels, and at some point, I know she's going to get a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, and I'll have to be supportive of that because she's happy, and that's all that matters, and I know you two only want Alina to be happy, and I like to believe I make her happy, I hope I do, and I will spend forever trying to make her happy.

You have no idea how much I've wanted her, longed for her, I tried to get over her, merlin I did, but I couldn't, and finally, fortunately, she likes me back, and every single day it blows my mind, seeing her there, smiling widely, her laugh, her eyes, just everything about her, I can't help myself, I would never hurt her, ever.

If I did hurt her I would never be able to forgive myself, I'd throw myself off of the astronomy tower before you even got to me, for the full of summer I couldn't stop thinking about her, she replayed in my head every day, I don't think I stopped thinking about her, it was a continuous loop and boredom wasn't an option when she was in my mind.

I really like your sister, a whole lot, and that thought alone is terrifying to me, I've never liked someone before, properly, I've never had feelings so strong for someone, and in an odd turn of events, the person I do seem to catch feelings for is your sister, Alina always talks about you, Sirius, you're like her brother, and I want that with you two, I want to be friends, not enemies, I'm in the fast lane to loving her, and I'm staying for the journey," a small smile erupted onto Jesse's lips as he turned to see Alina, standing up and pushing herself over to him.

"You don't need to be so over protective, Addy, I'm going to get that from dad, Alfie and Benji, and probably even Jude, so please, don't," Alina sighed, wrapping her arm around Jesse's waist, "this bloody twat is the first boy I've ever liked, and I like him a whole lot, please don't make it weird."

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