Poems - 65.

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Chapter 65

Remus wasn't used to liking someone, especially someone he didn't really know, and in fact, thinking of it, he could say that he hadn't really liked anyone before. He and Dorcas, to which Adria thought would happen, was never going to because they both just saw each other as good friends, and he was happy to be just friends with her, as great as she was.

But now, seeing the girl across the library from where he sat, her head buried under the multiple books scattered across the table she sat it, it was safe to say that he really did, truly like her.

He had seen her more than a few times - of course, completely at random and not at all because he planned it - and every time, he would have a rather lovely time spent staring at her, in the most, non-creepy way he could think of. She was just so beautiful, and not just her appearance which was beautiful, he could admit. But she was passionate about books, and her smile filled him with happiness he could admit that he had never felt before.

When he had become friends with Adria, and secretly fancied her a little bit - but of course not anymore - he felt happy that he had someone else to confide him. When he told the boys that he was a werewolf, and they accepted him, he felt happiness soar inside of him, but watching her across the room, her black, tangled waves falling down her back, and just slightly over her shoulder, and her lips red from the colder air sweeping the afternoon from her previous walk out on the courtyard, which he, of course, didn't follow her on, he couldn't help but feel like a love sick puppy pinning after a girl he couldn't have.

She was incredibly kind, which he had noticed when he seen her helping a group of first years to their classes, which where all separate, and ultimately making herself - and Remus - late to their classes.

He didn't want to tell his friends of his crush on the girl because he didn't want to endure their teasing, but he was sure that soon would he tell Adria, if not because he was in desperate need to vent to someone on how much he liked this girl, and Adria seemed most fitting to vent too.

In fact, Remus wondered where Adria was as she was supposed to join him in the library, and when a gasped exited someone's lips, and then soon a loud bang, Remus was sure it was Adria making an entrance.

It was.

Adria managed to stumble into a shelf, that absolutely was not there before, and resulted in her falling to the floor, a blush creeping over her cheeks as she stood up, dusted herself off and ignored the stares she got from students scattered in the library as she made her way over to Remus, a wide grin on her lips as she patted his head.

"What's up buttercup, you look sad?" Adria asked, taking a seat beside him and brining out her books, but what Remus happened to notice in the midst of Adria's fall was another student entering the library, a boy maybe just a year younger than he was, just like the girl that Remus was so fond of. The boy took a seat across from the girl, a wide smile on his lips as he talked with her, chatting excitedly to her about something Remus couldn't hear.

"Wha- oh I'm fine," Remus shrugged, shaking his head slightly as he tapped his pen on the parchment, Adria had taken it upon herself to give a pen to each of her friends - excluding Lily and Mary, who already had their own - seeing as it was a much more convenient, and practical way of writing, in her opinion.

"Mhmm, spill it, Remus John Lupin, or so help me god I will slit your throat with this pe-"

"Adria you're getting dark," Remus scoffed, a warning look in her direction as she merely grinned sheepishly.

"That's not me, that's dark beauty," she giggled, her voice quiet when she noticed the librarian lurking.

"Oh, I miss Dark Beauty, that never really did stick, did it?" Adria shook her head at Remus' question, "A shame really," he sighed, his eyes trailing over to the girl, unaware that Adria was watching him.

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