Poems - 136.

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Chapter 136

To Sirius, the smile Adria had upon her lips was like a blessing to him, whenever he got to see it, with her eyes crinkling in delight and her eyes shining in adoration whenever she looked at him, and whilst that smile was on her lips right now as she lay on her bed, her eyes watching Sirius as he watched her, he never saw it.

Because although he was watching her, with his head lying at the bottom of her bare stomach, his eyes weren't on her smile, but rather the tattoo chasing around her waist with fascination in his eyes and a perfect smile - to Adria - resting on his lips.

His hands traced over the skin of the tattoo whenever it passed, a cat chasing a dog, it was beautiful, especially inked onto Adria's skin, he wanted to see it when she fell asleep, but as she watched him, with her hand running through his hair, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"It's late," Sirius whispered, pulling his eyes from her body to look in her eyes, "should we sleep?"

"Not just yet," she frowned, "I'm rather comfortable like this, unless you're tired."

He shook his head softly, "I was just making sure you weren't."

"Can I ask you something?"

He laughed softly as he nodded, moving to press his lips to her stomach softly before leaning back to look at her, "of course you can."

"What happened between you and Regulus?" she whispered, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but he's your brother, and don't think I've forgotten you punching him, Sirius."

"He deserved that for what he done to you," Sirius grumbled bitterly, his hands on either side of her and his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

"Yes, I was shaking in my boots when he talked to me," Adria rolled her eyes sarcastically, softly moving her hand to run it through his hair again, "what happened?"

"When we were younger, I was always different," he sighed, "meaning, when my mum told us that we couldn't play with the two boys just down the street from us, I wondered why, why where they different? Why couldn't we play with them, they're just two boys our age? Regulus, on the other hand, made sure to do everything he could to make sure mum was impressed with him.

We were the best brothers for a while, laughing, joking, having a fun time, but it just changed suddenly, I suppose it was my fault, if I hadn't said anything to my mum then it would be okay, she was going on about muggleborn's, saying mudblood and the lot, saying that Andromeda was a blood traitor, and that set me off, really, because Andromeda was the only person I really got love from, the one who actually made sure I was okay if she ever came around, and then she married Ted Tonks, who is amazing, really, but he's a muggleborn and mum wasn't having it.

So I told mum, I said to her that muggleborn's aren't bad, they are still people, well something along those lines, I was an angry child, and she, well she slapped me, and Regulus saw, he was on the stairs looking in on us as it happened, and my cheek stung for hours, I had fallen to the ground with the force of her but I just got up, and it was then, really, that I realised how much my family where a bunch of arses.

Regulus followed me up the stairs to my room, and I thought he would agree with me, about my family, that they were terrible, but I knew he had a soft spot for mum, really, so partly, I wasn't surprised when he said I deserved it. we argued for so long that night, and after that, I barely spoke to him again, and then he talked to you and I couldn't help myself, I was blinded by rage, you hated me, Adria, but I didn't hate you, that was bloody impossible, so when he talked to you, even looked at you, I just lost it!"

Adria pushed herself forward ever so slightly, moving her hands to cup each side of his face and guiding him closer to her, she pressed her lips to his, laughing ever so slightly when he guiding them down so that he hovered over her, slightly confused as to why she decided to kiss him but in no way, was he complaining.

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