Poems - 105.

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Chapter 105

"Come together, right now, over me," Adria sang softly, multiple books stacked in both her and Sirius' hands as they navigated their way through the shelves in the library, Sirius was laughing at her singing, seeing as she was purposely making herself sound terrible like they always seemed to do.

"He got hair down to his knees," Sirius sang in a squeaky voice, a line from the first verse whilst Adria was attempting to sing the chorus, she turned to him with a glare, seeing the cheeky smirk resting contently on his lips she merely rolled her eyes, placing the books away that she finally decided was time to return.

"Can I ask why I am the lucky one that's been asked to come with you today?" Sirius asked as he sat his books on a table near him, and proceeded to lift Adria by the waist so she could reach the shelf.

She laughed as he set her down, turning her around as he done so and with a wide grin she spoke, "thank you, and can't I spend time with my wonderful boyfriend?"

"To the library?" Sirius scoffed, his eyebrow raised whilst he watched her shoulders slump.

"I couldn't find Lily, anywhere, and Remus is off with Blair somewhere, and well Blair is off with Remus somewhere, and the girls where too engrossed in studying to leave the common room, I couldn't find James, Finn and Milo where all coupley and cute and I didn't want to bother them, so I looked for Alina and Lia, and Arden too but they were all busy in some way or another and I decided that I wanted to see you anyway," she winked just as cheekily as his smirk, quickly catching him off guard with a kiss before walking off down the hall of books.

"What about Peter and Thea?" asked Sirius as his hand slid around her waist, capturing her in his embrace whilst she shivered with a shake of her head.

"You know how James got really freaked out when I made that joke about you and I?" Adria asked, turning to watch the frown of confusion take over his face but nonetheless nodding.

"I recall, yes," Sirius nodded.

"Well, let's just say," Adria took a deep breath, "I understand why he got so freaked out."


"I looked in the dorm for Peter before I found you and he wasn't there so I thought of Thea to see if she wanted to help, obviously, so I got to the Ravenclaw tower, and I knock on the dorm to be polite of course but then I just walked in," Adria spoke as she leaned against the table behind her, "and let's just say Peter Pettigrew isn't as clueless as we thought he is."

"Wha- Oh!" Sirius exclaimed, wide eyed as he realised what Adria was talking about, "what did you do after that?" he asked, gnawing at his bottom lip to supress his laughter.

"I may have run out of the Ravenclaw tower," Adria couldn't help but laugh at how unexpected it was, "bloody hell I've had one hell of a day."

"Can't deny that, remember me to high five wormtail the next time I seem him," Sirius scoffed, earning a whack to his chest from the girl in front of him.

"I am scarred!" she exclaimed, her voice as quiet as it could be when she saw the librarian lurking.

Sirius rolled his eyes as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, "oh poor you, baby," he teased, earning a huff, "do you think you're prepared for O.W.Ls?"

"I suppose," Adria sighed, glaring at him for casually changing the subject "but you know what I don't bloody care about?"

Sirius laughed softly as they exited the library, his arm wrapped around her shoulder whilst hers wrapped around his waist, "what?"

"Jupiter's moons!" she huffed, "you'd think seeing you are a bloody genius on astronomy that I'd pick something up from you, but here I am completely clueless!"

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