Poems - 29.

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Chapter 29

The summer for Adria was rather boring, though she didn't want to admit it. There was only a month left, which seemed like a fairly long time but she hoped that it would go by rather quickly seeing as all she had done was read or take walks around the village.

It was safe to say that Melanie didn't bother her anymore after their encounter at Christmas and she was incredibly thankful for that, but not even her siblings were able to entertain her much.

She awaited letters from her friends, which she was able to communicate with her owl but that was the only source of entertainment she was able to find, she had to admit that Sirius' letters where rather amusing when he talked about James' parents spoiling both him and James rotten. It seemed as though James mother had a hard time falling pregnant, and when she finally did both her and James' father where ecstatic, so much so that they showered James in affection and anything he ever wanted.

That didn't really surprise Adria.

Currently, Adria sat in her garden soaking up the rare sight of the sun, her hair had grown longer which she didn't think was possible and her curls turned into waves that hut the ground where she sat. She had clipped the two sides of her hair at the front to the side so that it was out of her hair and she rather liked the look of It, but her hair always made her feel incredibly warm.

She had a book resting on her knees that she had yet to return to the Hogwarts library, she needed to but she always seemed to forget whenever she had the book. She was trying to block out the sound of her aunt and uncle, and her cousins that sat in her home with her parents. She wasn't overly fond of her relatives, apart from her grandparents that she loved dearly, but her father's sister, her aunt always seemed to think she had a say in Adria's and her sibling's life, when she definitely didn't.

Her cousins, Madison and Kayla who she used to be rather close with, had drifted from her when she left for school back in first year. They were unaware that she was a witch, as where her aunt and uncle who had their suspicions that there was something 'odd' about Adria, and made sure to feed their daughters strange lies about Adria to keep them away.

She didn't mind, though, she had no interest in her relatives, and the book resting on her knees was better entertainment than they would ever be. She was currently reading about Animagi, the thought of being able to transform into another animal was extremely fascinating to Adria, and she always seemed to return to the topic even if she had finished the book, which she had multiple times.

Of course, transforming into an animal was completely different than the curse of lycanthropy that Remus had, and she wondered how he was coping with it during the summer, she wished there was some way that she could help him but she just didn't know how.

She wondered what she would transform into if she ever learned how to become an animagus, the animal was determined by personality traits and what a person was like and she was curious, just like her curiosity with Amortentia.

"She looks awfully concentrated," Adria froze at the sound of that voice, the extremely familiar voice that was owned by none other than Sirius Black. Her eyes snapped up suddenly, watching as the grins on both Sirius and James' faces widened that she recognised who it was.

"What the f-"

"Now, now, Adria," Sirius scoffed, watching as she closed the book in her hand, placed it on the ground next to her and stood up, rushing towards the two of them and engulfing them in a tight hug.

"What are you two doing here?!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she dusted off the dark green dress that she wore along with the trainers, more commonly known as converse clad on her feet.

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