Poems - 142.

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Chapter 142

"We were planning a trip to Hogsmeade soon, would you be interested, Allie?" asked her friend Melissa as they walked down the hall, a smile on the girl's lips as Alina thought.

"Sure, when?"

"Maybe next Saturday, are you free?" asked the girl, turning to Alina who threw her a kind smile.

"I'll make sure I am!" she giggled, waving as Melissa bid her a quick goodbye, turning around the corner down another hallway.

Hogwarts had started back only two weeks ago, and Alina was basking in the still warm weather, wishing that it wouldn't leave, she really loved summer, and as much as she loved Hogwarts, she wished she could return to the holidays with all the fun things her and Lia done together.

But now, currently, she was going to meet Eliot in the library, who still wouldn't talk about their kiss, and whilst it was more than irritating whenever Alina brought it up, that the boy would make a terrible excuse to change the subject, a blush attacking his cheeks as he fumbled and stammered with his words.

It was entirely adorable, but that wasn't the point.

"Alina!" The fifth year Gryffindor, Jesse smirked, throwing his arm around her as they walked, pulling her into his side, "still thinking about our kiss babe?"

"Babe?" she repeated, looking up at the boy, "I think not."

"Oh, come on, you don't kiss someone like that if you don't like them!" Jesse scoffed, his eyebrow arched, "we could always relive the moment?"

"Or you could leave me alone?" she suggested, turning to the boy who made no protest to remove his arm, and soon did the smirk on his lips widen.

"You enjoyed it, Allie," he whispered, pulling on her arm so that they had moved to a slightly isolated hallway, he moved his forehead so it pressed against hers, his hand on her waist, pulling her closer, "you enjoyed me, didn't you?"

"I enjoy kissing, Jesse, there's a difference," she tutted, moving up to press a kiss to his cheek, and with a smirk, she joked, "I bet it's hard having to get over me, I mean, I don't think I could."

He couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head with a roll of his eyes, "you're something else, Al."

"What have I told you about calling me that!" she sang, throwing her head back with a groan, and merely he just pulled her closer.

"I can't get you out of my head, Allie," he mumbled, moving his head to press his lips to her skin, completely oblivious to her rolling his eyes, "I think about you, every day, I want you."

"Yes, well I want butterbeer, but we can't all have what we want," she tutted, pulling away from him, "you have plenty of girls falling at your feet, Jesse, just choose one of them."

"But I need you," he frowned, his hand on her cheek, "please, one date, that's all!"



"Fine," she grumbled, "but I'm teaching you how to take no for an answer," she grumbled, rolling her eyes.

"It'll be perfect, Allie," he grinned, excitement bubbling in his stomach that he had a date, an actual date with Alina Hopkins, "love you."

"Where did this crush come from, Jesse?" she asked, chuckling, "I don't date people, you know this."

"I know," he sighed, "but I realised over summer that the only person I have in my head, at all times, is you, I can't concentrate, at all, with you near me, it's terrible!"

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