Poems - 88.

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Chapter 88

It seemed that those three girls, whose names, Adria was unsure of had made It their goal to find Adria alone as best as they could, which always seemed to result in her getting hurt somehow.

It was almost December, and Adria felt terrible that she was secretly using the foundation that Mary had brought with her to Hogwarts as a cover up for the nasty bruises she seemed to obtain from her greetings with the three.

Her friends, who thought Adria was back on the right track after her mothers death couldn't say that anymore. Whilst she used to enjoy spending time with Arden who had now met her other friends, and ultimately became good friends with them too, or Blair, Adria spent time alone now, cut off, and distant.

Even from Sirius.

Who was more concerned now than he was before.

It started off at the start of November, when Adria rushed through the Gryffindor common room, receiving attention from the few Gryffindor's scattered around, as well as her brothers and her boyfriend, who all seemed rather concerned when they shouted on her multiple times and she didn't respond, rather rushed up the stairs instead.

But it didn't take them long to realise that she was limping, or wincing as she done so, not to mention that she was cradling her face and was in far too much of a hurry to even greet them like she would usually do.

She was lying on her bed one morning before class where she had woken up much earlier than her friends to steal some of Mary's foundation before the girl could find out, but she knew that Mary was getting suspicious after finding the bottle almost half empty. Mary used the foundation on weekends, so it wasn't that bad that Adria was taking it, but she hadn't much left now, and she did feel terrible.

"Okay, i need to ask this," Mary sighed, "are any of you using my foundation, I don't mind, really, I'm just a little confused as to why it's running out so fast!"

"Nope, I have my own," Marlene laughed softly from her bed, a book in her hand which she was reading before school.

"I do too," Dorcas piped in, as did Lily from her own bed. It was clear that the only person who really would steal her foundation would be Adria, their skin tone was close in resemblance and Adria was the only one who didn't have a knack for make up like her friends did.

"Adria?" Mary trailed off, looking over at the silent girl who sat on her bed.

"No, why would i? I don't wear makeup, why would I need make up?" Adria rushed out, stuttering slightly over her words which ultimately made her friends feel rather suspicious.

"You don't," Mary trailed off, shaking her head, "I'm just asking is all, I didn't think I used this much already!" she laughed.

"Well I didn't use it!" Adria snapped, slamming her book of poems shut, which had become a haven for her, although she couldn't help but admit that her poems where getting a little darker, if she was honest.

She pushed herself up from her bed quickly, grabbing her things for the day ahead and without so much as a goodbye, she quickly rushed out of the dormitory, leaving her friends silent and rather shocked at what had just happened.

"Did I say something wrong?" Mary asked quietly, slightly wide eyed as she stared at the place which Adria once sat.

"No," Lily frowned, worry seeping through her, "I don't know what's going on with her lately," she sighed, shaking her head.

"It's like she's more distant than ever," Marlene piped in, "but I thought she was finally, gradually becoming her old self again, I thought she was coping."

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