Poems - 157.

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Chapter 157

It was the early hours of the morning when Adria pulled herself from Sirius' grip, a tired sigh tumbling from her lips, hearing the boy beside her stir in his sleep, his eyes tiredly fluttering opening at the lack of Adria in his arms, a frown evidently placed upon his lips at the emptiness he felt without anything to hold, without her to hold.

She turned at his voice whispering, "Adria?" a small smile of adoration pulling at her lips as she pushed herself down onto the bed, cupping his cheeks whilst she hovered over him ever so slightly, pressing kisses to every inch of his face, stroking his hair as she did so.

"Go back to sleep, baby," she whispered, a last kiss to his lips, feeling his arms reach for her but failing in his tired state, an annoyed grumble falling from his lips like an irritated toddler who didn't get what they wanted.

"I can only sleep with you beside me, love," he pouted, sneaking his arm around her waist, ignoring her quiet protests whilst his kisses mimicked hers, sloppy, tired kisses placed to her skin, hearing her soft giggles through the room.

"We both know that's not true," she laughed, turning in his grip, cupping his cheek, "I'm so in love with you."

His eyes brightened ever so slightly, the words had such an effect on him whenever they left her lips, nuzzling closer to her, he kissed her nose, allowing her head to cuddle into the warm of his neck. He had never heard the words growing up, love, he never understood it, never understood how a four-letter word could mean so much, could be so powerful, with so much emotion and feeling and happiness until Adria walked into his life.

She was a breath of fresh air, a light in the darkness, she showed him what it was like to be loved, what it was like to have a family there for you, and be there, "you have no idea how much I love that, Adria."

She pulled herself away at the sound of her name, her full first name, it was odd hearing him say it instead of Addy, or love, or baby girl, it was foreign, actually, but he was serious, literally, his eyes bore into his when she found them, her lips parted, "are you alright, love?"

"I'm perfect," he mumbled, pushing himself forward to capture her lips, feeling the move of her lips against his, she was smiling, "I grew up with a family that didn't love me, with a brother who grew to hate me, I didn't know love until Hogwarts, I didn't know how to express the fact that I liked you, a whole lot actually, so I teased you, and humiliated you, stupidly, merlin why did you even forgive me?"

"So, you're telling me I shouldn't have forgiven you?" she asked, throwing her leg over his to get closer to him, as well as to get more comfortable, she was most certainly teasing him, her eyebrow raised, a soft laugh tumbling from her lips.

"In a way," Sirius smirked, his hand slipping under her - his- t-shirt, tracing his fingertips along the warm skin of her waist, "but merlin, I'm so happy you did. you showed me what it was like to have a normal family, a loving family, you are the definition of the word love, Adria, because I wouldn't have been able to say I loved someone until I met you."

"But you love the boys?" she whispered, her heart thumping in her chest, eyes wide with adoration, cheeks spread red, he was still able to have an effect on her, still able to make her blush, to speed her heart, and merlin, she loved it.

"I know," he nodded, gripping her closer, "but I wouldn't have known that without you. When you tell, me you love me, every time you have so much meaning to your voice, you mean it every time, you have this smile on your face, bloody hell your smile, oh god I could stare at it all day, I could stare at you all day!"

She danced her fingers along his cheek, her face red with blood, her eyes filled with so much love, and soon did she push herself forward, her lips finding his softly, moving slowly, savouring the taste, the feeling of his lips connecting with hers, it was perfect.

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