Poems - 80.

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Chapter 80

Sirius didn't think that in all his life he could feel any more pain than he did over the passing of Judy, but it seemed he was wrong. Three mornings after he had found out, he knew he couldn't put Adria through any more pain than she was already in, she barely left her room, neither did Jude who lay with her, in her bed, both of them alone as she cried and he slept.

So, three mornings later, Sirius new he had to do something, something he dreaded so much that he needed someone to help him, which lead him to now, as he and Lia sat at the table in the dining room, a dreadful silence around the house that was so unfamiliar when a Hopkins member was near, but it was a reality they had to face.

Multiple pieces of parchment paper sat between Lia and him, a pen in both of their hands as dipping their quills into ink became an annoyance they didn't want to face. On the letter in front of him which he had just written out was addressed to James Potter, and across the table, Lia's was decorated with Remus Lupin's name.

They went through every one of Adria's friends, writing out letters of sadness of the passing of Adria's mother whilst tears silently fell down their cheeks that they had to relive the moment, explain what had happened, whilst also telling her friends that Adria had a little brother, something that should be celebrated in a house filled with happiness.

But it was impossible.

He wondered what they would make of the information, as his hand wrote 'Dear Peter,' on the parchment paper he wrote on, he wasn't sure how much more he could take of this, of having to tell countless people, three of which he loved, all of which Adria loved, that her mother, the woman he always wished was his mother, was gone.

Sirius took a shaky breath, the pen in his hand inking a dot on the parchment as he wasn't thinking straight, Lily Evans was Adria's first friend, her best friend, and the boy wouldn't be surprised if the girl showed up here tomorrow to comfort her, actually, he wouldn't expect anything less, he didn't realise that it would be so hard for him to write out the letter to the girl he could barely call his friend, but he knew that Lily would be in pain too, if not just for Judy, but for Adria.

Because Lily Evans and Adria Hopkins had the closest bond of friendship, and no matter how close the boys and Adria was, no matter if they were her brothers, Lily Evans was more than that, she would be shattered, heartbroken that her best friend in this whole wide world, including Severus Snape who was barley her friend anymore, that Adria would have to go through something like this, and she wasn't there to comfort her when she found out.

Dear Lily,

From the address of this letter I can only assume that you believe this to be Adria writing to you, informing you that her baby sibling has been born, which is so entirely true, and he is so beautiful, yes, she now has a younger brother.

The news should be exciting, it should be a happiness, a joyful moment that we can all celebrate when you all where to get here this month, but I'm afraid that the joy in this house has lowered drastically.

Adria's mum, Judy, the loveliest woman in the world, I can tell you confidently, well, she has passed away. She died giving birth to her son, which Douglas named Jude, and as much as we all love him, it is hard to show the love we should when the woman who gave us him has passed away.

I wished I could tell you that Adria was okay, I really do, but I can't, I really cannot and it pains me, physically that I can't do anything to help her, that I can't make her feel better as much as I'd like to. She is hurting terribly, she won't let Jude out of her sight, and as much as I suspected that, it is a tragic sight.

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