Poems - 168.

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Chapter 168

How can a week feel like a life time?

That was the question floating around Adria's head for the week she had been away from Sirius, it was as though time ticked slower, her tears spilled in waterfalls dripping onto the sheets of the almost foreign girl's dormitory that she had spent her time with the girls fending from her.

It wasn't a break up, Adria knew that, she wasn't going to break up with Sirius without knowing every single detail of the truth, but it seemed as though she already knew it, she saw with her own eyes, his lips on another girl's, on Keira's, on the girl sporting a black eye, as was Sirius, curtsey of Lily and James.

The boys weren't talking to Sirius, no one was, and achingly, annoying, Adria felt terrible for him, she simply couldn't help it, she hated that her catching him made his friends despise him in only a matter of seconds, but then, the other half of her filled with rage, filled with so much sadness, spoke, "good," it was good that they had her back, and she knew fine well if it was opposite then they'd all have Sirius' back.

But it wasn't opposite, his lips met another girl, and to Adria, it seemed as though he wanted it as much as Keira did, when that was so far from the truth.

She longed for him back, she wished she never saw what happened, no - she wished that it had never happened in the first place, that maybe if they had more time together, that they didn't have studying, or friends, or classes that maybe this wouldn't have happened, that they'd be able to give each other more attention.

She knew that it was an entirely stupid thought, they spent every Sunday together, and Sirius never was out of ordinary about it.

Though she only saw Sirius once after she had caught him, with puffy cheeks and red eyes, his hair quite simply a mess, too, and whilst the sight shattered her heart, she had no real sense of sadness for charming a rain cloud to follow him about.

"Deserve it, Professor," was all Sirius would say when McGonagall would scold him about it, which was countlessly. But truly, he did not deserve it, he didn't do a thing wrong, he knew that if Adria hadn't caught Keira, that she would be the first to know what happened, when finally, able to free himself from the strong grip the small girl had, Sirius would have went running to find Adria, running to tell her what happened, to make sure she knew that he didn't cheat on her.

Because this situation was entirely like the one Adria found herself in with James way back before he was with Lily, the only difference was that James was not caught in the act, but Adria was able to tell Sirius what had happened.

But that day wasn't in Adria's mind, she was far too heartbroken to think logically, to think that this could be anything like that day, the image replayed in her mind, an image Sirius didn't have to see when it happened to Adria.

The two of them felt drained without the other, their eyes dull, frowns evident, tears always staining their faces with puffy cheeks to match, Adria was desperate for an explanation, but the thought of facing Sirius was all too hard for her to cope with, she was unsure that she could do it, that she could approach him with her head held high, rather than the tears still staining her face.

Blair had tried to get Remus to approach Sirius, to ask him what had happened, to demand an explanation for Adria's accusations of him cheating on her, but it was too hard for him too, to have to shout at the boy he knew as his brother, to scream at him for the hurt he had put his sister through, he wasn't sure he could.

Peter tried to, he stepped up to it, he walked over to him, he spoke, "Sirius," and when he saw the look on the boy's face, he simply couldn't do it, he wasn't able to scream at him, to demand an explanation for it, because he knew that Sirius was sorry, it was so clearly obvious, struck across his features.

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