Poems - 91.

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Chapter 91

"You can't talk just yet," Douglas Hopkins laughed softly, pressing a kiss to his baby boy's forehead who was babbling uncontrollably in his lap, "your sister gets home in a few days, I bet you'll be happy to see her!" he smiled, supporting him as he stood up, warily glancing at the owl on the windowsill that brought letters.

It was a rather annoying occurrence back in Adria's first year when they sent the owl off with her for her time at Hogwarts, only for the owl to fly back home, resting contently atop of the window sill in their old houses, and now doing the same for this one, "we don't like it," Douglas muttered to Jude, pointing to the owl whose eyes swept over Douglas before it turned his head.

"Dad, Adria is not going to be too happy that you're turning Jude against that bloody bird," Benji chuckled, taking Jude from Douglas' grip with a wide smile on his lips, watching Jude as he unintentionally bopped Benji's nose.

"Funny," Douglas chuckled, "Adria is bringing Sirius and Lia home, obviously, this Christmas, but two of her other friends will be joining her too, which is exciting, but I don't want you getting any ideas."

"Ideas?" Benji repeated, scoffing as he done so, "dad, I am the angel of this family."

"Maybe your mother would think that, but I see right through those eyes of yours," Douglas joked, a smile on his lips as he thought of his beautiful wife looking down on them.

It was tough, very tough trying to normalise themselves after Adria's departure and of course, the death of Judy, but it slowly came back to them, a routine that they had, that they would finally laugh again at a small joke, or if Jude done something far too adorable, the three boys in the house finally where able to see that their mother hadn't left them.

She was just invisible.

"Mum will be turning in her grave if she hears that sort of talk," Benji chuckled, making a mental note to visit her with Adria when she got back from school.

"Will Beth be joining us over the holidays?" asked Douglas, bringing out the baby milk from their fridge and setting it up for the microwave.

"No," Benji shook his head, "spending it at Seb's."

"Oh, the boyfriend," Douglas snorted, "if I'm honest, I thought you two would end up together."

"Well I can't say I didn't like her for a while, but it's too weird, I couldn't like Beth," Benji shook his head, "she's too much like a sister now, I suppose, and I like Seb, they're more in love than Adria and Sirius."

"Too far," Douglas laughed, earning one from Alfie.

"You're right, that was definitely too far."

"What was?" Alfie asked as he entered the kitchen, pinching Jude's cheek in passing where the boy sat on Benji.

"Beth and Seb being more in love than Adria and Sirius," Benji informed him, watching the boy let out a loud laugh.

"Don't know what you're laughing at," Douglas scoffed, thankful that Alfie took one for the team and retrieved the letters from the bird, "is Grace still joining us over Christmas?"

"yup," Alfie nodded, "and I'll make sure to tell Adria that she's more than ecstatic to compete in the gingerbread competition."

"Well that's not fair, you and Beth will be in a team, Sirius and Adria will be in a team, and Alina and Lia will be in a team, who will I have?!" Benji huffed, "I need to get myself a girlfriend."

"Well, Adria is bringing two extra guests, and one of them is half muggle, so I'm sure she'll help you out," Douglas chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"Oh no, you did not tell me it was a girl!" Benji groaned, running his hands over his face, "I'm going to do something embarrassing and she'll think I'm all weird!"

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