Poems - 15.

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Chapter 15

Adria sat with Milo and Finn for the full duration of the train ride, having so much fun with the two boys that she didn't even realised the train was near Kings Cross Station until they stopped at the platform. She felt terrible for not actually going to see the four boys during the train ride, and made sure to look for them as soon as she got off the train.

She had exchanged addresses with the two boys to send letters during the holidays, so they could keep in touch, she enjoyed their company a lot, even after one train ride she felt as though she had known them forever.

The platform was littered with parents when she stepped off, and immediately Finn and Milo said their good byes when they already saw their parents ahead. She couldn't see the boys, or girls anywhere as she stood alone, so instead she went down the platform to retrieve her trunk before she would look for her family.

She spotted her trunk in the midst of all the others and almost groaned when she realised she wouldn't be able to get it out without some help. She looked around, a frown on her lips until she saw a very familiar long haired boy near her, "Sirius!" she shouted, cupping her hand over her mouth to project her voice. He turned confused, until he saw her near her and looked at who Adria assumed was his family before rushing over to her.

"Can you help me?" she asked, a frown on her lips, "My trunk is stuck."

"Okay," He laughed, both of them reached to the trunk which was quite clearly Adria's, seeing as she had personalised it, gripping onto the handle which had barely enough space for their two hands, the both of them pulled as hard as they could until the trunk finally released itself from the pile and almost fell on top of the two.

"Don't move, and no one gets hurt!" a voice growled behind them, Adria and Sirius shared a look before Adria turned to come face to face with her brother Benji.

"You knew it was me?!" he exclaimed, completely distraught as he eyed Sirius for a split second, "who's this?"

"Of course, I knew it was you, Benji you do it every year!" Adria chuckled, "and this is my friend, Sirius."

"Nice to meet you Sirius," Benji grinned, sticking out his hand for Sirius to shake, "I'm obviously the better-looking twin, but it's okay, you don't need to tell me, I already know." Benji shrugged, letting go of the boy's hand whilst Adria rolled her eyes.

"Oh yeah, totally." Adria scoffed, earning a glare from Benji, who suddenly smiled widely.

"Y'know what, you should come meet the rest of us," Adria's eyes widened at the thought, furiously shaking her head which Sirius couldn't see, "I'm sure dad would love to meet you!"

Adria's father wasn't opposed to boys, which isn't what Adria was worried about when Benji mentioned their dad, but rather, he had a way of embarrassing her without even trying, and it was rather terrifying.

"I'm sure Sirius needs to get back to his family." Adria said, patting Sirius shoulder.

Sirius smirked, seeing the uncomfortable look on Adria's face was highly amusing so instead he shrugged, "I don't actually, y'know I'd love to meet your family, Adria." She scowled, seeing as both her brother and Sirius was teasing her.

"I like you," Benji grinned, patting Sirius' back as he lead the way to Adria's parents and siblings.

"Some help, please!" Adria exclaimed, dragging the case behind her, until she was joined by Sirius once again who took the case from her grip and dragged it with him, "I didn't mean take it off me!"

"A simple thank you would've been enough." Sirius grinned, sitting down the case.

"This is Sirius," Benji grinned, "Adria's friend!"

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