Poems - 21.

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Chapter 21

Adria lay still in her bed the morning of boxing day, it was still pitch black from what she could see, which wasn't much seeing as her eyes were closed. Her brother was attempting to prank her, with the help of Sirius, but she could be a light sleeper when she wanted to be, which meant that she was awake for both Sirius and Benji scooshing cream onto both of her hands, and now currently, one of them tickled her nose with a feather.

She remained still for a few moments, twitching her nose to make it believable, which seemed to be working when she heard the two of them laughing quietly, but then suddenly, she reached her hands out in the direction of the voices, resulting in groans replacing the laughter.

"You can't out prank me," she muttered into the darkness, "also, that counts." She yawned as she turned over, wiping the excess whipped cream on who she believed was Sirius before closing to fall back asleep.

"What does she mean, counts?" Sirius asked after he and Benji cleaned themselves up.

"Well, it's the points system," Benji said as he handed Sirius a towel, "whoever's pranks are the most successful, and whoever's pranked the most, wins."

"And Adria always wins?" Sirius asked, walking out of the bathroom and into Benji's room where they decided to plan the prank. It was six in the morning, and still pitch black outside which would've been the perfect time to prank Adria.

"Yeah, you sound doubtful." Benji scoffed as he wiped his face dry.

"Well yeah," Sirius nodded, "I just don't see Adria as a prankster."

"Are you kidding, before she went to Hogwarts it was all she done." Benji scoffed, "what's she like at school?"

"The same really, except she doesn't condone the pranks I pull with my friends, and she mostly reads." He shrugged, "the last person I would think to like pranks would be Adria."

"Are people mean to her?" Benji asked, a frown on his lips at the question he always wanted to ask.

"No," Sirius shook his head, "before this year I had never spoken to her before, but I knew of her, everyone does. Everyone always talked about her, but she'd think you're lying if you told her that, and I mean talked about her in a good way, she was so weirdly mysterious that even my friends wanted to know her and we usually just stick to ourselves most of the time. Everyone just wants to know her, I still hear people talking about her whenever they pass and it's understandable really, she's great."

"Is she better than the girl you fancy?" Benji asked, "at Hogwarts?"

Sirius was quiet, suddenly lost for words at what to say to him, but instead he just smiled slightly and said, "well, I'd say they're the same." He bid Benji a quick goodbye before making his way back to Adria's room.

"You're awake," Sirius noted when he shut Adria's door and made his wake back to the sofa bed.

"Well two annoying idiots decided it was a great idea to attempt to prank me at six in the morning," Adria grumbled, "which counts as a point for me, by the way."

"We planned it!" Sirius exclaimed, earning an eye roll from Adria who scoffed.

"Did your plan workout for you and Benji?"

"Well, no-"

"Exactly," Adria smirked, "face it Black, I'm a champion."

"You'll meet your match," Sirius scoffed, "one day."

"Yep, well not today," Adria grinned as she lay back down.


Adria creeped around her roomed silently the morning after boxing day, after the day of the prank Sirius and Benji pulled, Adria thought she should teach the boys how to prank properly. She creeped to her cabinet filled with props for her pranks, which she now had to lock just in case Sirius wanted to go snooping.

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