Poems - 160.

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Chapter 160

"I can't believe this our last goodbye," Benji whispered, shaking his head with a scoff of disbelief, his arm wrapped around his twin's shoulder whilst her head rested on his, "we're old as hell."

"I know right," Adria tutted, shaking her head ever so slightly, "next thing you know, we'll be eighty complaining about back problems."

"Dads in his forties and already does that," Benji scoffed, earning a light smack on the head by Douglas when he walked by.

"That was-"

"Definitely called for," Adria giggled, tightening her grip on the boy, "I'll miss you, Benny."

"I'll miss you too," Benji sighed, "write every week or I'll come to that bloody school myself and make you."

"Well if you're going to make me, why do I need to?" asked Adria, eyebrow raised as she pushed herself from his grip.

"Never thought of it like that," Benji commented, slipping his arm around Arden when she approached, "now as much as I love you, you gotta say goodbye to someone else cause I'm gonna kiss my girlfriend."

"Perfect que to leave," Adria saluted, soon throwing her arm around Alfie who held a rather tired - and very sassy - Jude.

"Bye daddy Alfie," Adria teased, tightening her grip on her brother, "tell Mila that I love her so much!"

"I will," he smiled softly, "I think Grace is getting suspicious as to why she can't come to these send offs."

"Well this is the last one anyway," Adria smiled sadly, "I'm sure she can cope."

"Yes, I'm sure too," the boy tutted, handing Jude to Adria who grasped on for dear life.

"You alright baby?" Adria whispered, bouncing the boy ever so slightly as he clutched her, "you tired, huh?"

"Mhmm," he grumbled, wiping his eyes, "i-I want Siri!"

Adria gasped over dramatically, gaining the boys attention when he lifted his head to stare at her, "well I never!" she exclaimed loudly down at him, her eyes wider, "does this mean you love Siri more than me?!"

Jude's eyes widened just as much as Adria's, and soon did he furiously shake his head, gripping her much tighter than before, "n-no, I love you mostest, I'm your little prince!" he quickly pressed his head to her lips, her head now in his small hands suddenly.

"Of course, you are baby," Adria giggled, her heart swelling and aching at the same time as she navigated her way through her family until she reached Sirius, "The little prince wants Siri."

"Oh, he does?" asked Sirius, an amused smile on his lips at the fact Jude wanted him and not Adria, and soon did he take the boy off of her, planting a kiss on her lips whilst she glared at him.

"Now I know you will do great with your exams, and I know your work is outstanding, Addy, but please don't out-work yourself," Douglas whispered, a teary-eyed smile etched across his face, "you work so hard, so, so hard and you deserve a break. You have no one to prove yourself to, apart from yourself and my god you have proved your worth by now.

But your worth isn't all about your intelligence, Ads, you have tons of friends who need you, and you need them and your attention shouldn't just be on your work, no matter how much there is and if any of your teachers have a problem with you taking a break then Ill be the one marching into that school, and no spell is going to stop me.

I'm so proud of you, Adria, of everything you have achieved, you are so intelligent, you are so kind and a wonderful human being and I am so proud to call you my daughter, and I know for a fact that your mother felt the exact same way, and that she is looking down on us right now, with that smile of hers and a tear in her eye and she's nodding, because it's true.

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