Poems - 152.

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Chapter 152

Adria didn't see herself as someone who got distracted very easily, well, she was a procrastinator at times, usually getting distracted with books rather than studying, or doing homework, but never did she get distracted often in class.

The layout of the seventh-year transfigurations class sat her right behind Sirius, with Milo to the left of her, and diagonally sat James. She was trying to do her work, writing an essay on the effects of human transfiguration, but she couldn't help but get distracted, it wasn't really her fault, she didn't really choose her seat, Milo did for her.

The first day she entered the class, Milo had saved the seat beside him, something they always did in transfigurations, the boy was her best friend, and recently he had been ecstatic that he was going to be a god father "it's just so cool!" he exclaimed, "I'm going to be the best god father, I swear, Finn has got nothing on me!" so sitting with the boy was entertaining, whilst both of them did their work, it wasn't surprising that McGonagall had scolded them more than once for their talking.

But right now, Adria was distracted, her eyes couldn't stay on her parchment for more than two minutes before they wandered, more specifically, they fixated on the boy right in front of her. He wasn't exactly concentrating on his work, he and James were trying to see who could annoy each other the most, and well, she could see him as he turned to James.

His hair looked perfect at that particular time, and Adria found herself thinking about running her hands through it, feeling the softness of the locks between her fingers, she wondered how he hadn't caught her staring so much. Her head was tilted, her lip between her teeth as her eyes travelled to his lips, watching him bite his own to hold in his laughter, his smile wide at the look James was giving him.

She wanted him.

She couldn't think straight, he was literally distracting her to the point that all she wanted was him, she needed a way to get him. She watched him blink, closing his eyes to stop his tears from falling, tears of laughter, and soon when they opened did she trail over the vibrant grey that she loved, reminding her of the bright moon in the night's sky.

"Adria," her head snapped to Milo when she heard her name, her eyebrows knitted together as he took in the amused smile on his lips, "you alright there? Looked like you were about to pounce."

Sirius turned to look at her for a moment, hoping not to get caught, his smile widening at the sight of her, her cheeks flushed red from the comment Milo spoke but he didn't hear it, and soon did she frustratedly run her hand through her hair, throwing Milo a look as she shifted in her chair.

She turned away from the boy, finding Sirius' eyes, a smile twitching onto her lips as she watched him, a grin wide on his lips as they communicated silent, gnawing at the top of her pen. Partly, Milo's words were true, she wanted Sirius, right now, of course, that wasn't possible, she couldn't just grab him and kiss him in the middle of class, she was sure McGonagall wouldn't go lightly on the detention if she disrupted her lesion just to kiss her boyfriend. The punishment is worth it, she thought, her shoulders slumping as she grumbled to herself, soon taking her eyes off of Sirius or she was sure she would do something she shouldn't. Pull yourself together! She thought, shaking her head, trying to rid the thoughts from her mind.

But suddenly, an idea of the sorts popped into her head, a smirk twitching onto her lips as she ripped off a piece of parchment, scribbling the words onto it, and soon did her chair scrape as she stood up, meeting the look of McGonagall whose eyes rose at the sound of a disruption, entirely confused as to why the girl left her seat, but it was all part of the plan, if she stood to go to Sirius' desk, McGonagall would say something, she was sure of it, but again, it was all part of the plan.

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