Poems - 1.

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Chapter 1

Adria couldn't help the yawn that slipped through her lips as she sat bored in Professor McGonagall's class. Transfiguration was not a subject that was easy for her and of course, she should be listening but she found the task hard. She didn't get much sleep the previous night and she was deeply regretting it.

She was a lover of poems, and her parents just so happened to get her a very large book filled with them for her thirteenth birthday. She was up all night reading them, and when she finally closed the book after yawning just like she was now, it was way past midnight.

She heard chuckling behind her and drowsily turned her head to see the group of four boys from her year and house laughing quietly to themselves. The four of them were squished together at a desk which was only made for two people, and it looked rather uncomfortable if Adria was honest.

With a small sigh escaping her lips, she turned her head back around in an attempt to even look like she was listening, If she wasn't so shy she would have politely offered one of the boys the empty seat next to her so that it wasn't so cramped, but she could barely even say 'excuse me' to someone blocking her way.

"Mr Black, Mr Potter!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang through the classroom, making Adria jump slightly, "If I have to tell you both again that you cannot sit at Mr Lupin and Mr Pettigrew's desk, then I'll have you both for detention."

She could hear the two boys grumble in protest but neither of them raised their voices loud enough for McGonagall to hear, "I don't want you boys sitting with each other, Mr Potter your new seat is now next to Miss. Hopkins. Mr Black, I trust you'll be able to find a spare seat somewhere."

Adria almost winced when she heard professor McGonagall say her name, she didn't mind the boy sitting next to her but she didn't want the embarrassment of him not knowing who she was to be placed upon her. But to her surprise, the boy stopped grumbling, sent a salute to his friend and made his way to the empty chair next to her.

Her eyes widened until she stopped herself, keeping her head firmly on the parchment and quill in front of her. James Potter was known by probably everyone, as were his friends but the thought of him knowing who Adria was baffled her.

What the Gryffindor didn't know was that everyone in her school year and some students from other years knew who she was. She, to others, was small in height and the mysterious girl who always carried about an old leather book. She was the girl that a lot of her male peers had a crush on, but mostly they just liked her appearance. She was pretty, her long brown hair was always messy because she didn't know what to do with it. Her bright blue eyes always hid behind the leather book she carried, and her short frame helped her slip her way through a busy crowd. She was completely oblivious to the stares she got from her peers, she wanted friends very much but she didn't know that there were people so willing to be her friend because of her lack of confidence.

Her old leather book she carried around with her held the poems she wrote every day. She loved the book more than she loved anything else with the exception of her family, no one was ever allowed to touch it.

"What's this book, you always have it with you!" James Potter said and Adria braced herself for what she knew she was about to witness. Her eyes looked up, watching as James moved the book around in his hands and soon did she bite her lip, she wouldn't shout or even scold him for touching the book but instead...she waited.

Whilst Adria wasn't very good with magic, she still had hope. In her second year at Hogwarts, she was staying after the lesson had ended in Professor Slughorn's class for some extra help. Whilst there, she had managed to get the professor to charm her book with a spell that burned anyone - only slightly - who attempted to open her book. She can remember the day very clearly considering it was the only time she raised her voice above a mumble whilst talking to anyone in the school, she was practically shouting as she begged the teacher to do it.

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