Poems - 47.

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Chapter 47

Adria Hopkins was not a jealous person, or that's really what she told herself when she was being just that. She couldn't help it, as much as she tried to ignore the bubbling feeling of jealousy that floated around her stomach like wasps, as though the butterflies that happened whenever she was with Sirius turned into wasps whenever she watched him with another girl.

He had every right to talk to other girls, it was just talking and he was just one boy. He could do whatever he wants, but thinking of it that way sent her into a frenzy of jealousy, and partly it was her fault.

Alina's words entered her mind, she should really just talk to him about her feelings and maybe he would understand.

She shouldn't be jealous, she really shouldn't, but she couldn't help herself. They had kissed three times, and that was more than her and anyone else had kissed so technically, she was sure that her jealousy was justified only slightly, but this jealousy bubbled in her stomach in a fit of rage she was failing to conceal.

She leaned against the stone wall, her coat clutched in her hand which her fist clasped around tightly, her eyes where narrowed behind her hair as she watched Sirius throw his gorgeous smile towards the group of four girls batting their eyelashes and flipping their hair as they flirted.

He was enjoying the attention and as much as he didn't like the girls that way, he was enjoying the ego boost, but he had no knowledge of Adria standing away from him, her eyes narrowed to slits at the sight, and if he did know that she was near, then all of his attention would be on her instead.

"Having fun?" a smirking Lily asked as approached Adria with Mary, Dorcas and Marlene, an amused look on her features whilst she watched Adria, who merely shook her head at the question clearly asked as a joke, "Ads, you're gonna kill someone if you don't just walk away."

Adria's eyes trailed to her friends as they crowed around her, smirks on their lips as they saw the clear annoyance and irritation written on her face, and whilst she didn't have a specific grudge against each of the girls, she still couldn't help her jealousy.

"No," she shook her head, prying her eyes from the boy and to the girls, who all had amused look clearly evident on their faces, "I have a plan."

"Oh god, Ads, no," Marlene groaned, shaking her head furiously.

"you're jealous, Ads, your plan probably gets those girls hurt, and I know you don't actually hate them." Mary piped in, patting her shoulder with a wary look taking place from the previous amusement.

"No, course not," she huffed, rolling her eyes, "but at the moment, I strongly dislike them."

"Then bloody hurry up and tell Sirius that you don't want to just take it slow, or whatever-" Adria cut Dorcas off,

"Go with the flow," she corrected with a small nod.

"Tell him that," Lily ordered her, a stern look in her eyes that resembled Adria's mothers.

"I will," Adria sighed, "after my plan."

"Do we want to know what your plan is?" Lily sighed, leaning against the stone wall as her eyes trailed to Sirius who was laughing with the four girls. The three others turned at the sight, shaking their head with disappointment that Sirius would allow those girls to flirt with him when the girl he clearly liked was only across the hall.

"If you want a laugh, then yeah," Adria grinned mischievously, "here hold this," she pushed her jacket into Lily's hands, who took it after the initial surprise.

"Please don't do anything stupid," Lily pleaded, grabbing Adria's arm before she could walk away.

"I'm proving a point!" Adria exclaimed, giggling slightly as she removed Lily's arm. She sucked in a breath as she pushed herself forward, the giggling of the girls getting louder and louder as she approached.

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