Poems - 7.

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Chapter 7

The night that the two girls returned from Hogsmeade, Adria couldn't deny her nerves as she sat with Lily in the great hall. They would be returning to the common room fairly soon where she would talk to Remus about Sirius and James' god awful prank.

She was completely new to having friends, and she was completely new to having fall outs with them. She was utterly terrified of rejection, and whilst Remus was very kind she did ignore him for a long time. Lily had tried to reassure her that he understood that she was mad, and humiliated but that didn't suffice Adria's nerves.

"You don't need to talk to him Adria, it's entirely up to you," Lily sighed, patting her friends shoulder as they slipped out of the great hall. Adria had tried to stall for a while but she was completely out of reasons to stay in the large hall, they were near enough the last students to leave.

"No," Adria muttered, "I want to, I really do."

"Are you sure?" Lily asked, walking up the stairs quickly with Adria in tow. The staircases were very busy but the two easily slipped through the multiple students.

"Yes. I'm just scared that he'll be mad," Adria whispered, shaking her head slightly. The young Gryffindor clutched her notebook tightly to her chest in case anyone knocked into her, she was too embarrassed to admit that her heartbeat had risen rapidly with every step they took towards the Gryffindor tower.

"I'm positive that he will be much more relieved that you are actually speaking to him, he has tried multiple times to talk to you Adria." Lily chuckled, smiling reassuringly at her.

"Thanks, Lils," Adria mumbled with a small smile. Lily spoke the password to the fat lady's painting which swung open immediately. Adria spotted Remus fairly quickly in one of the window seats near the stairs to the dormitories.

"I will be right here, Adria," Lily said, nodding to the arm chair in front of the Fire. Adria nodded her head silently, thinking of Lily's love for that chair as she approached Remus who seemed to be in his own little world.

"Re-Remus," Adria wanted to slap herself, seeing as she stuttered on his name. She had formed a friendship with the boy were she could completely be herself, and she couldn't help but notice how much it felt as if their friendship had crumbled to the ground.

"Adria!" Remus gasped, his eyes wide as he snapped from his trance. He almost stood but Adria stopped him, gesturing for him to move over which he did immediately.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this but I talked to Sirius today," Adria said after a moment of silence, she could see Remus's eyebrow raising from the corner of her eye, "He told me that I should speak to you."

"That little-" Adria cut him off immediately, placing her hand on his arm.

"I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him, Remus." Adria smiled softly at him, which made his shoulders slump, "He told me that they forced you not to speak, and that you thought it was only a minor prank."

"I did, yes." He nodded truthfully, "But minor or not I shouldn't have let them go through with it. You're my friend, Adria even if you don't want to be and friends don't put each other in those situations."

"You are my friend Remus, I was just disappointed," Adria sighed, "That's over now, you have tried to apologise countless times and I haven't let you. But the fact that you wanted to apologise shows that you are a true friend."

"Really?" Remus asked, a small smile forming on his face. Adria nodded silently, mimicking the boys smile. She felt suddenly better, as if a few of her troubles had vanished from getting her friend back. James and Sirius didn't really matter to Adria, she knew that they didn't like the girl somehow, and she really didn't like them either.

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