Poems - 89.

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Chapter 89

"Would you like to tell me what that was?" asked McGonagall as the three entered her classroom, Adria's heart had sped up drastically, "you never told me you knew such complex magic, Miss Hopkins."

"Wha- Professor," Adria frowned, taking a deep breath as she done so, she shared a look with Sirius, who frowned at the bruises evident on her face.

"Adria, I think you forget that I have known you since your first year, do you really think I don't know when you lie?" asked McGonagall, her eyebrow raised, "I should punish you for using such hexes on students, but you were helping your sister, where you not? You were helping yourself, it was a mere act of self-defence," McGonagall spoke simply.

Adria couldn't help but feel the disbelief bubbling through her at McGonagall's words, the once stern woman, who was a little intimidating, if Adria was honest was now probably her favourite professor, she couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you, Professor," Adria smiled, breathing a sigh of relief, "really, thank you."

"Don't thank me," McGonagall waved her off, "you stuck up for yourself against three girls who bullied you, I've alerted Professor Dumbledore, and Professor Flitwick will deal with the girl's punishments, is there anything you would like to tell me, Adria, about what they did?"

"N-no," Adria shook her head, watching as McGonagall nodded with the ghost of a smile on her lips.

"Very well, you may go."

"Oh, Professor," Adria spoke as she turned on her heel, turning with her head to look at McGonagall, "Jessica, the, um, the main bully, I suppose, she had this tattoo on her wrist, it was rather odd, like a symbol, it may be nothing, but it was rather dark, I thought maybe you should know."

It took a moment for McGonagall to respond, she knew very well what this mark was, and what it represented and it brought a wave of nausea to engulf her that students, young students only in their sixth year had the mark permanently on their skin, a mark no one should ever have, "very well, Adria, thank you."

"Did those girls do this to you?" Sirius whispered as they walked down the hall, they had been quiet for most of the journey to where they were going, but Adria wasn't actually sure she knew where they were going.

"Mhmm," Adria nodded, feeling his hand tighten around hers, he merely pulled her closer to him, a sigh falling from his lips, "why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared," she mumbled, her gaze on the ground. They stepped outside, the cold winter air breezing through Adria's hair as they walked, it seemed Sirius knew the way to their destination, and she allowed him to guide her.

"Scared?" Sirius repeated, wide eyed, "Adria, why?"

"Can I tell you when we stop?" she asked, turning to look up at him with eyes filled with pain, guilt, that Sirius couldn't help but nod his head.

Their feet crunched the leaves that littered the ground, Sirius was guiding Adria down to the black lake, it was out of the way and almost always quiet, he wanted that, he wanted her to confide in him, to be able to talk to him and realise that he would always be there.

Sirius sat with his back pressed against a tree, a gorgeous view of the black lake to the side of him, but then he had a perfect view of Adria who stood in front of him, a frown on her lips as she looked for a place to sit.

Sirius reached forward, grabbing her hand he guided her down beside him before he pulled her onto his lap, his arm tightly around her whilst she sat there, rather tense and a pained look in her eyes at the worry she had caused him.

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