Poems - 13.

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Chapter 13

If there was one thing that Sirius noticed about Adria during the time she wasn't talking to him was that if she wanted to be hidden, then she would be. Even if she was only a few seats down at the Gryffindor table, she had a look on her face that told him not to approach.

But it wasn't hatred, it was more confusion, always confusion and Sirius didn't know how to cope with it so he stayed away and Adria was extremely grateful for it.

But then, in the middle of December only a week before everyone would leave for the winter holidays, Adria walked into the Great Hall with her curly hair even curlier and a frown on her lips hesitating every step. But soon, she stood, towered over the spot where Sirius and Peter sat at the Gryffindor table, and she nudged Peter only slightly who moved over once he got over the initial shock that she...acknowledged him.

She sat down in between the two of them, her poems book resting on the wooden table in front of her and her hair hiding her from view. Her curls blocked Sirius' eyes from staring at her but he still tried too, eyes curiously peeking through the fallen strands of hair.

James had stopped eating from across the table and Remus, who still on occasion talked to her had a small smile toying at his lips.

"Hi," she whispered, her fingers tapped lightly on her legs under the table, trying her best to keep her heart rate calm but she could hear her heart thudding against her chest with every passing moment that the boys stared at her, "I-I don't want to hate you anymore." Her gaze travelled to Sirius whose lips parted and his eyes widened with shock.

She had spoken to Remus about how she felt odd that she hadn't said a word to Sirius in so long, or James, or Peter, and that the fact that this bothered her was truly...irritating. Of course, she didn't want him to prank her...it was annoying and it just made her feel worse whenever she thought back to the completely humiliating prank involving mud, but she pushed that to the back of her mind when she admitted to Remus that even with their constant arguing, it was weird not responding to Sirius, she...missed it?

"I want to be...friends," She finally said after the dreadful silence, "I don't want to hate you. But I don't want you to prank me anymore because it's not fair. You said that you liked me, Sirius, but you just didn't know how to talk to me without hurting my feelings. Though you don't hurt my feelings if you don't prank me, so I just want to start fresh." She barely got a breath in, she had to heave a large breath after she spoke and her cheeks had tinged red, but after a few moments of initial shock, a wide smile of disbelief spread across Sirius' face.

"I'd like that." Sirius grinned, allowing Adria to let a small smile fall on her face as she nodded.

"And you. " She pointed at James who raised his hands in defence, "I guess you're not that bad at quidditch."

James smirked, rolling his eyes as he shook his head, "is that a peace offering?"

"I suppose." She nodded, her eyes trailing to Remus who grinned at her, and her smile widened as she looked back. She felt confused over the long time she had ignored Sirius. After he admitted to her that all he wanted was to be friends, that he didn't hate her, she just felt completely odd.

"Are you excited for Christmas, Adria?" asked Peter from beside her. He had turned slightly in his seat and a small smile was on his lips that she had joined them.

"Oh yeah." She nodded excitedly, almost hitting Sirius in the face with excitement, "I love Christmas, me, my dad and my siblings always have a gingerbread house competition!"

"A what?" asked Sirius, she turned to look at him, and ultimately turning from each of the two boys was a lot of effort.

"A gingerbread competition, we all make gingerbread houses and then my mum judges the best one!" she grinned, "My brother always wins but he loves me so I technically win too." She smirked.

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