Poems - 14.

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Chapter 14

"Are you excited to see your family, Adria?" asked Lily as the five girls sat in the comfortable compartment aboard the Hogwarts express, the train had left Hogsmeade station just under half an hour ago, leaving the girls time to get situated. Of course, Adria was rather comfortable in her seat with the girls, but she knew at some point sooner or later she would have to make the journey to the compartment at the end of the train where the boys sat.

"Extremely," she nodded, a wide grin on her lips as she looked up from the book in her hands, "are you?"

"Yes," Lily smiled, "but I'm kind of dreading Petunia."

"Don't worry about her, Lils, don't let her ruin your Christmas." Marlene piped in, placing a comforting hand on the red heads shoulder.

"I won't," she sighed, propping her book against her knees, "it's just- I wish that she understood that I'm not any different, y'know?"

"We know, Lils," Adria sighed, "it must be tough."

"I wish I had your siblings," Lily commented, "Well I wish Petunia was like your siblings, do they even care?"

"That I'm a witch?" asked Adria, waiting before Lily nodded to continue, "Well, yes, but in a different way, they're fascinated with it, and a little bit jealous that I get to go to Hogwarts. They're always saying I should make the most of it, and all, but I don't really know what they mean."

"Maybe they mean to prank everyone," A new voice entered the compartment, owned by Sirius who took a seat next to Adria.

"Or maybe they meant not to disturb everyone," Adria shrugged, "guess we'll never know."

"What do you plan on doing over the holidays?" Adria asked Sirius, she was already facing him as her back leaned against the wall of the train. She watched Sirius think for a moment, a small frown on his lips as he pulled his legs onto the seat.

"Hide in my room," he scoffed, "nothing else to do."

"What do you mean, aren't you spending it with your family?" asked Adria, thinking back to the time when he punched Regulus and wondered if he didn't have a great relationship with all of his family, and not just his brother.

"Not really," he chuckled as though it wasn't a big deal, "I'd rather just count down the days until I return to Hogwarts."

"That's no way to spend the holidays," Adria frowned, as much as her friends disapproved, seeing as not one of them greeted Sirius as he entered the compartment, she was his friend. They made a deal to be friends, and she rather enjoyed his company, she would never want to see her friends have a terrible Christmas, especially when it was her favourite holiday.

"It's not a big deal, really." Sirius shrugged, "I have nothing else to do, anyway."

"That's just unfair," Adria sighed, shaking her head slightly, it did put a damper on her mood that Sirius wasn't going to have a worthy Christmas, but it made her wonder what his family was actually like.

"I'm sure it's not that bad," Mary piped in, "right Sirius?"

"No," Sirius shook his head, "it's really not."

"You don't have to lie just because I'm upset about it," Adria rolled her eyes, she gave Mary a look, to which she raised her arms in defence and turned back to her muggle book which Adria lent her.

"Adria, I'll be fine, I've put up with my family for my whole life, another Christmas won't hurt." Sirius chuckled, he knew that his friends hated his family, it was rather obvious seeing as he did as well, but they hadn't cared so much to become upset about what he done at home, like Adria did, it took him by surprise.

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