Poems - 34.

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Chapter 34

It was a Hufflepuff this time, Adria noticed as she sat on the comfortable window seat that the Gryffindor common room had to offer, her shoulder brushed against the cold glass of the window, and her notebook was opened atop of her knees that was showing a blank page. Her notebook had been used a couple of times since the day she joined Remus in the library, and most of her short poems weren't all that pleasant to read, especially when she wrote them after eyeing Sirius with a new girl that he liked the look of.

This time it was a Hufflepuff, Annie, her name, Adria was sure of it, or maybe it was Amber, she didn't really know, or did she care. She wondered if Sirius was trying to make his way around all of the houses, which made a scowl appear on her face at the thought.

Annie, or Amber was giggling, her hand clasped over her mouth as the muffled giggles fell through, it was a harmless gesture, really but Adria couldn't help the irritation that rose in the pit of her stomach, bubbling harshly, and with every burst of giggles that the girl spilled from her mouth, Adria rolled her eyes once again. She wanted to throw her notebook at the girl's head, and of course she would deny all claims, but she certainly wouldn't deny whacking Sirius over the back of the head for playing with all these girls hearts.

She knew she shouldn't be mad, her irritation was caused by her own, rather stupid feelings for the boy, and Sirius didn't even know of her 'liking' him, and well, she hadn't even admitted it properly enough for her to justify her feelings, but that didn't stop the scowl that she couldn't help deepening when the girl sitting on the couch adorned with red and gold, looking out of place with her robes decorated in yellow and black, and her short, bright blonde hair and piercing green eyes stared at Sirius and her hand placed on his shoulder made Adria want to hex her.

It seemed as though Sirius always went for the blondes, maybe they were his type, or something along the lines but she wasn't sure. She noticed they looked the exact opposite of her, as pathetic as her observation was, it was rather irritating for her to realise. They were nearly always the same height as Sirius, when she was far from it. Their eyes ranged from brown to green, all filled with happiness and pretty colour whilst hers where a dull, bland, boring blue. Their hair was always a lovely colour of blonde, and almost always was it short, straight and styled, a highly different look from her brown, messy curls that fell down past her back.

She really hated it, it just reminded her that with every girl Sirius talked to, or 'flirted' with, as Lily would say if they ever managed to pass them in the hallway, giggling like usual, curtsey of Sirius, with a roll of her eyes and a scoff she would pass them by knowing that she would never be one of them, as cliché and revolting as it sounded. She was unsure of when she turned into this annoying, pathetic excuse of a girl who thought about Sirius constantly when only at the start of third year was he an enemy, and then commonly her friend.

She had a hard time believing it, a hard time believing that she really did have feelings other than friendship for Sirius, it was humiliating to think of, but she just didn't know why. Her doubt about her feelings had finally caused her to bottle them up, even if her friends did know of her fancying him, it was still hard for her to admit it to herself.

It was, of course, rather obvious that she did, as much as she would deny it, it didn't take a genius to realise that she felt a different way towards Sirius than her other friends. She wondered where his new-found interest in girls came from, seeing as he told her just last Christmas that he had better things to do with his time than chase after girls.

She thought back to when he told her he fancied someone at Hogwarts, and how she was completely unfazed by it, and now the thought engulfed her with sadness, knowing full well that it wasn't her.

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