Poems - 43.

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Chapter 43

"You're going on a date!" Lily squealed, clapping her hands enthusiastically whilst the girls rushed towards Adria.

"We need to get you ready!" Mary gasped, wide eyed as she almost fell over Lily's trunk to get to her own.

"It's not a big deal," Adria shrugged, laughing awkwardly as she watched Dorcas and Marlene rummage through her trunk.

"Not a big deal?!" Lily repeated, her voice a lot more high pitched than usual, "Ads, this is the one time I condone you not going to class!"

"It's with Sirius!" Adria laughed, running a hand through her hair, "it's not like it's with some random person, Sirius is my best friend we do tons together as it is!"

"Yes, but that was after you two kissed about three hundred times," Dorcas scoffed, earning a look from Adria who stuck her tongue out.

"Three, actually," she corrected, almost jumping out of her skin when Mary and Marlene jumped on her bed. Mary had makeup products sprawled out in front of her, whilst Marlene took hold of her hair.

"Guys, I don't want to be completely over dressed," Adria sighed, wincing slightly when Marlene pulled her hair too roughly, "ow, Marls," she muttered, lifting up to rub the pain.

"Don't worry your pretty little mind, Ads," Lily smirked, taking Marlene's place and rummaging through Adria's trunk with Dorcas, "Sirius will be shocked when he sees you, you'll take his breath away!"

"She already does," Mary giggled, resulting in the three others to join in whilst Adria's cheeks heated up, she allowed Marlene to continue whatever she was doing with her hair whilst she eyed the makeup sprawled out on the bed.

"Y'know, Mary, I'm not really a makeup kind of girl," Adria trailed off, "I mean, I don't wear it much and I don't-"

"Ads, it's okay," Mary laughed, "I'm not going to cover your full face, I just wanted to put some mascara and lip gloss on, simple but effective!" she grinned, holding up two tubes whilst Adria nodded hesitantly.

"Fine," Adria sighed. She watched as Lily and Dorcas judged her clothes, pulling out jeans and shirts and sweaters, whilst throwing the occasional skirt back into the trunk. Whenever they thought they found an outfit, a dress would pop up out of nowhere which made them question their decisions, and resulted in them returning to square one.

"So, Ads," Dorcas giggled, "what was it like kissing Sirius?" she wasn't overly fond of Sirius, as where the other girls who didn't like any of the boys really, but she knew that they all meant a great deal to Adria, and where even her best friends as much as the girls where, so none of the girls could really say anything about them.

"Yeah, Ads," Mary grinned, "is he a good kisser?"

"Well I think so," Adria shrugged, smiling sheepishly at Marlene who almost messed up her hair, "but I haven't much to base it on, have I?" the girls giggled as they nodded, noticing the small smile playing on Adria's lips as she talked about him.

"So, are you two actually boyfriend and girlfriend?" asked Dorcas, "like are you dating?"

"Well, no," Adria frowned, "but we only just kissed, we are going with the flow."

"Going with the flow?" Marlene repeated, "well is that what you want?"

"No," she whispered, "but Sirius told the boy's that so that's what he must want, and I don't want to rush into anything so maybe it's best."

"Or maybe he just told them that because he didn't know what you want?" Lily suggested, her eyebrow raised as Adria thought over the possibility.

"I'm not sure," she sighed, refraining from shaking her head so she wouldn't mess up Marlene's work on her hair, "I'm just not gonna think of it today, and just have a fun time with Sirius, my best friend."

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