Poems - 62.

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Chapter 62

"In this world, personally, I think it is unfair to judge someone for something they don't want to, or cannot change about themselves. I have freckles dotting my skin, my thighs touch, and frankly I think I'm smaller than almost everyone my age, excluding Peter, and also Thea, but that's why I said almost, and you know what, I don't care that my thighs touch, I love my freckles, and my height is not the biggest problem in the world, but I know that some people have said things about these features, and finally, in all my fourteen - almost fifteen - years of living, I have finally accepted that I love myself the way I am, and the people around me love me for who I am, and that is all that matters to me.

Hogwarts is my second home, my home away from home, and as much as I love it, there will always be a widely known problematic concept that Slytherin's are evil human beings, and whilst I can't speak for all Slytherin's, I can speak for the ones I know and love when I say that they are the most precious, loving, kind, hardworking, focused, beautiful people in the world, and frankly, I don't think it's very fair that they are put under the category of being terrible people, because I don't think they are.

Stereotypes, the ones I have come across in my lifetime, have been terrible and hurtful, and I get that as a human being it is hard not to automatically be a little wary of someone, but, why not give them a chance first? There is a vast amount of surprise in everyday life, for example, who ever really thought that the shy, mysterious, or whatever you all called me, girl would make Gryffindor seeker, that was a surprise, right?

So take that surprise and put it onto another person, I don't know why I'm trying to justify myself to some of the people I love the most in this world, when I know that you are all so kind and amazing, and even you James, and yes, that was a joke - no, calm down!

Anyway, the thing is, I have you all, and that is perfect, no, it's more than perfect, and I get that you're all worried about me, blah, blah, blah, I'm perfectly fine, really, I am. I'm not turning rebellious, I'm not going through a phrase, I am Adria Belle Hopkins, or, as Remus called me that one time, and it never really stuck, I am Dark Beauty Hopkins, and no, Lia did not make me dye my hair pink, nor did she pressure me too, in fact, I done this myself, and I have a witness, who will testify my case!" the girl beamed, straightening out James' glasses that she had placed - slightly crooked - on her face.

"Sirius isn't technically a witness when he agrees with everything you say!" Dorcas exclaimed, scoffing when they saw Sirius move to stand beside Adria.

"Judge, is Sirius a witness?" Adria said, turning to the empty space beside her, "yes, he is a witness!" she replied back to herself with a smirk on her lips, and with a point in Dorcas' direction, she screeched, "overruled!" to which the brunette's shoulders slumped.

"It was last week," Sirius spoke, his head turning dramatically to his friends, "I was with Adria, walking hand in hand down the hallway, when we came upon the familiar door to the great hall. We decided that would be the place. I walked in, with her by my side, calming my drastic nerves...which she does so effortlessly. Instead of our usual routine, where we would walk close towards the table adorned in red and gold-"

"Sorry for butting in, but where did you learn that word?" asked Remus, his head titled slightly as he looked at the dramatically pouting Sirius.

"Remus!" Sirius growled, nudging towards Adria, whose hand raised slightly, "anyway, as I was saying, instead of making our way to the table...decorated in red and gold, we turned, and instead ended up at the table, cold, dull, I was positive It was damp, too, but I've been trying my best to get the sight of the table out of my head, that one could never know-"

"Sirius," Adria growled.

He sent her a sheepish smile, quickly pressing a kiss to her cheek before returning his previous stance, "I was expecting the worst, a girl, intimidating and full of anger, only to be calmed by the soothing sound of death, but no, what I received, what I witnessed, was nothing of the sort. We sat down across from the girl with the long blue hair, whom upon arrival, offered us both a smile, an odd gesture from who we thought was bad news.

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