Poems - 94.

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Chapter 94

"Adria, really, I don't think this is such a good idea," Arden protested for about the fifth time, pulling on Adria's arm as she tiptoed out of her room.

"Don't worry, it's only one, and it's quite hilarious when he's angry," Adria giggled, clasping her hand over her mouth as she pulled Arden along, "come on Arden, it'll be fun!"

Arden sighed, a frown taking over her face at the excited look on Adria's. She knew that the girl wanted to get Benji back for what he had done to them, but she was sure this was a little too extreme.

"Fine you get the shaving stuff, I'll make sure he stays asleep," Arden sighed, pushing Adria along to the bathroom, and when the girl saluted her, descending the stairs quickly to the other bathroom to get a much better razor, Arden hurried off to Benji's room.

She looked around the hallway before she crept inside, silently apologising to Adria who of course, couldn't hear her before she crept softly over to Benji's bed, "Benji," she whispered, softly nudging the boy until he woke up, his eyes fluttering open and a frown of confusion evident on his lips.

"Arden?" he questioned, suddenly sitting up in his bed and running a hand through his hair as he done so, she sat at the edge of his bed, almost unable to think as the multiple thoughts running through Benji's head travelled into hers.

"Adria's going to kill me, so you owe me," she warned him, wagging a finger in his face which only furthered his confusion, "she was going to shave off your eyebrow, but I thought it was a little too cruel, so I'm here to warn you when I'm supposed to be making sure you stay asleep."

He bit his lip to stop himself from smiling so widely that the girl in front of him actually cared enough to warn him, and of course she cared, she hadn't known him very long but she considered him a friend, not to mention that she was developing a rather large crush on the boy.

"You didn't need to warn me, it's okay, I'm used to it," he laughed softly, sitting his hand down on his bed, his cheeks heating when he realised he had actually placed his hand on top of hers and neither of them was making any protest to move.

She smiled, "well I wanted to, would you really want to be going around with one eyebrow?"

"Well no, but I'm sure I could totally rock the one eyebrow look," Benji laughs, unsure why all the sleepiness he previously felt had completely left his body at the sight of her smile.

"Oh yeah, you could," she nods, a laugh of her own escaping her lips, "Adria will be here any moment, so just, be prepared," Arden smiled once again, heaving a breath before she pushed herself forward, pressing a kiss to Benji's cheek quickly, both their cheeks spreading pink and soon after did Arden stand up.

"You woke him?!" Adria gasped, seeing Arden turn around suddenly and Benji clearly awake in his bed.

"No," Benji shook his head, "I heard the door creak, I was barely asleep."

"Mhmm," Adria nodded, eyeing the two of them, the moonlight illuminated the room clearly, so it wasn't hard to make out the blush on the two teenagers faces, "I think we should make this prank war interesting."

"Interesting?" Benji repeated, sharing a look with Arden.

"Yeah," Adria nodded, moving forward so she was closer to the two, "You, Arden and Alina and Lia, me, Sirius, James and Alfie, we'll initiate teams tomorrow, what do you say?"

"Wait, you don't want me on your team?" Arden frowned, her eyebrow raised.

"Well, Arden, I love you, I really do, but it seems you have a bit of a soft spot for my brother," Adria bit her lip to stop herself from smirking when she saw Arden's head bow, "so, you in or out?"

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