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Harry walked toward Potions with Hermione and Ron.

"You're being ridiculous Harry! A life without the drama is so much better!" Hermione shouted.

"I know." Harry rolled his eyes. "But it's so boring with no one to follow or plans to make. It's like I don't have a purpose."

Ron rolled his eyes too. "Honestly, Harry, you're acting like you want Voldie back just for something to do."

Harry sighed irritable. "It's not that. Never that. I just... I feel like doing something stupid."

Draco Malfoy grinned as he walked past them. "I can be pretty stupid."

He went into the classroom, leaving a stunned trio behind him.

"Did that just..." Ron trailed off.

"Does that mean...." Hermione didn't finish her sentence.

Harry whirled around, looking slightly panicked. "Did Draco Malfoy just tell me I could do him?"

Draco poked his head out of the classroom. "Yes."

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