Going Away Gift 8

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"Babe," Harry groans, stretching. "If you ever wake me up at six in the morning again, I'll kill you, boyfriend or not."

Draco laughs as he ties his tie. "I wanted company!"

"If you want company, hire a hooker," Harry grumbles, burying his face in his pillow.

Draco snorts. "Would you really want me to get a hooker?"

"Only if it's a guy and he's less attractive than me and we have a threesome," Harry mumbles sleepily.

Draco laughs. "Everyone's less attractive than you, love."

"Well, aren't you sweet." Harry sits up. 

"It's a gift."

"When will you be home?"

"Probably around five." Draco bends down, kissing Harry slowly. "I'll miss you."

"Don't be gross. Get out of my house."

"Our house!" Draco calls as he jogs downstairs.

Harry laughs, and sits up.


He's walking into a restaurant when he sees her.

Red hair, brown eyes, freckles, tall. She's pretty, if Harry was into girls.

He supposes he's staring a little too long, because she smirks at him.

"I know I'm hot, but it's getting creepy."

Harry immediately recognizes the words from his wrist.

"Cocky, aren't you?" The words spill out of his mouth without him even thinking about it.

Her eyes widen, and she sticks out her hand. "Hi, I'm Ginny, and I'm your soulmate."

Harry shakes her hand. "Harry," he says absentmindedly. 

She frowns. "Something wrong?"

"A couple things, actually," Harry murmurs. "I don't like girls. And I'm in a relationship."

Her eyes widen. "But, I'm your soulmate. Why are you in a relationship with someone you know isn't your soulmate?"

Harry frowns. "I don't like the idea of soulmates. I want to be able to choose who I love, regardless of words on my arms. I love him, and I'm not breaking up with him."

"Alright," she says, sighing. "Then, I guess this is goodbye." Harry remembers the words on his other arm, which say the same thing.

"I suppose it is." He sees her eyes flicker with recognition, and as he walks out of the restaurant, he knows that will be the last time he ever sees his soulmate.

He never found this out, but Ginny never fell in love. For the rest of her life, she was alone, because everyone else in the world had a soulmate except her.

Draco met his soulmate three years after Harry met his. Astoria was furious that he was already in a relationship. She later got into an arranged marriage with someone who's soulmate had died.

Draco and Harry got married two years after Harry met Ginny.

Ginny came to their wedding, and told Draco to take care of Harry.

She moved out of town two weeks later, and Draco never told Harry Ginny was at their wedding.

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