Draco Malfoy Has Blue Hair

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Inspired by a prompt on Tumblr

Harry has only gotten through half of his breakfast, but it's already cast aside and forgotten, newer predicaments catching his attention.

Malfoy's hair is blue.

"Harry, what are you staring a-"

"Malfoy," Harry cuts Hermione off without breaking his gaze.

She rolls her eyes, and Ron sets down his fork.

"Harry, honestly, the war is over, he's not doing anything wrong-"

"Look what he did," Harry insists.

"Harry, we don't want a repeat of sixth year, Draco hasn't done anything suspicious-"

"Look at his hair!" Harry exclaims, irritated.

Ron and Hermione finally turn around and stare at the light blue Draco has dyed his hair with.

"Holy shit," Ron mutters. Hermione smacks his arm.

"It's different," she says, shrugging. "It looks strange, but I don't really care about him anymore."

"Looks weird," Ron mutters, before shoving a forkful of waffles into his mouth.

"Maybe someone cursed him," Harry says absentmindedly.

"I hope not," Hermione says. "He has enough on his plate."

Harry nods. Everyone in the wizarding world knows of Narcissa Malfoy's trial this afternoon.

His eyes travel back up again, and before he knows it he's staring again.

"Why don't you go over there and ask him?" Hermione suggests.

"Ask him what?"

She closes her eyes in exasperation. "Why his hair is blue."

"I can't just-"

"Mate, just go. You're going to be like this all day if you don't," Ron agrees.

Malfoy looks up in surprise as Harry approaches him, his cereal spoon hovering above his bowl. "Potter?"

"Malfoy," Harry says, nodding at him. He's making a serious effort to stare at Malfoy's eyes and not his hair, but it's so blue.

Malfoy sets down his spoon and pushes his cereal to the side. He's staring at Harry in confusion.

"Are you lost?" he asks, a bitter, sarcastic edge to his voice.

"No, I- Why is your hair blue?" Harry blurts out unintentionally.

Malfoy lifts a hand to curl a strand of previously-blonde hair around his finger. "Do you have a problem with it?" he asks defensively.

"No, not at all. I just want to kno- You know what, it was stupid. Nevermind." Harry starts to turn around before Malfoy's smooth voice makes him stop.

"It's poetic, Potter."

Harry turns back around to face the other boy. "Poetic?"

Malfoy shrugs, letting the stand of blue hair go, and it bounces back in its natural place. "I'm feeling blue. I dyed my hair to match. It made sense last night after the second bottle of Firewhiskey."

Harry considers this, before sitting down across from him. "Your mother?"

Malfoy nods, not looking up from his discarded cereal bowl.

"Do you- I mean would you- Can I- Would it help if I came to the trial with you?" Fuck. Did he really just ask that?

Malfoy looks up sharply. "Why would you want to do that?"

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