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Harry glared at Malfoy. The git had called Hermione a "mudblood" again, and Harry was an inch away from hexing him.
"Come on, Ron," Hermione said, disgusted. She pulled Ron away and they left.
"Say that again, Malfoy," Harry growled, standing close to him.
Malfoy gulped and took a step back.
Harry frowned, confused, until his eyes darted down and he saw the bulge in Malfoy's pants.
"Well, well," Harry said softly, a smirk crossing his face. Malfoy looked ashen-faced and was backing away from Harry as the raven-haired boy advanced. "Didn't know you swing that way."
Malfoy tried to speak, but Harry covered his mouth with his hand.
He advanced slower, pressing Malfoy against the wall and pressing his own jean-clad erection against Draco's. Draco's eyelids fluttered and the back of his head hit the wall with a soft thud.
Harry rose his lips to brush Draco's ear. "What is it you want, Draco?" he whispered, removing his hand from Draco's mouth.
Draco moaned. "You," he said breathlessly.
Harry lowered his hands to work the buttons on Draco's jeans. He shoved them down, along with his boxers.
Harry slowly sank down to his knees, watching Draco the whole time.
He leaned forward, and took Draco in his mouth.
A string of moans and curse words flew from Draco's mouth and Harry bobbed his head, taking Draco deeper.
All thoughts flew out of Draco's head. Harry's tongue was pure magic, never faltering to find every single sensitive part, pressing and brushing over until Draco was reduced to a complete wreck, chanting "Harry, Harry," over and over like it was the most beautiful word in the universe.
And Draco came, harder than he ever had before, and Harry swallowed it all, and pulled off of Draco, his lips shiny and the most gorgeous shade of red.
Draco pulled Harry to his feet, kissing him hard. Harry ran his fingers through his hair.
Harry pulled away, leaving Draco dazed and staring at a wall.
"See ya in Potions!" Harry called cheerfully.

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