New Ideas!!

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Hey everyone, if you've read my previous chapter you'll know why I'm not publishing anything right now, but that doesn't mean I can't brainstorm! I have a bunch of headcanons and I'd love if you guys commented on the ones you want!

- Draco works in the hospital wing and Harry keeps pretending to get sick/injured to visit him. However, Harry gets a little obsessed and hurts himself a little too much. (fluff/angst)

- Harry is the prince of Gryffindor kingdom, and he is expected to marry a princess from another kingdom. None of them interest him, until he meets the snarky prince from the Slytherin kingdom. (fluff)

- Draco wasn't doing anything wrong, but he ended up in the backseat of Officer Potter's police car anyways. It's too bad he has a sarcastic attitude and a handcuff kink. (smutty smut)

- Harry was having a normal morning until Draco Malfoy walked into the room in heels and a skirt. (probably fluff/smut)

- Harry tells Draco he loves him in French. Unfortunately for him, Draco speaks French. Fluently. (fluff)

- Harry wasn't really listening to what Draco was saying, he was too busy staring at his lips. He didn't mean to whisper how hot Draco was, it just slipped out. (fluff)

- Draco attempts to ask Harry to be his Valentine, but Harry is oblivious as heckity heck. (fluff)

- Harry bursts into the room, ranting about how perfect Draco is to Hermione. Unfortunately (or not), Draco also happens to be in the room. (fluff)

- "Well, I heard that kissing wounds makes them heal faster." "Well, in that case, I hurt my lips. And my dick." (fluff/smut)

- Draco talks too much, and Harry thinks his mouth could be put to better use. (smuuut)

- Harry was just messing with Draco's hair, he didn't expect him to like it that much. (smut)

- Draco knows Harry likes him. So he decides to try an... experiment, to see how far he can push Harry. (smut)

- "Did you just look me up and down and bite your lip? Because if you did, we're having sex. Right now." (smut)

- Harry dirty talks Draco in public (smut)

- Draco was just being sarcastic, he didn't know how much it would turn Harry on. (smut)

- Harry notices how tired Draco has been lately, and decides to fix that. (fluff)

- Draco loves to be called princess, which of course Harry finds out by accident. (smut)

- Harry and Draco sleep in the same bed, and Harry wakes up with a... problem. (smut)

- Draco has a nightmare, and comes to Harry's room to sleep. (fluff)

Also, remember, you can request stories at any time. I always write what is requested, and I will credit you.

Thanks guys!



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