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"Draco," Narcissa said sadly. "Come here."

"Draco!" his father said angrily.

Draco weighed his options. He knew he might die if he fought on the side of Hogwarts.

But this was Harry's side. Even if he was dead, he would stand by Harry, stand by Hogwarts, his home.

Draco stayed where he was.

Narcissa smiled, relieved.


It was over.

The war, the fighting, Voldemort... It was all over.

Harry was in disbelief.

He entered the Great Hall, and immediately, Hermione spotted him. She stood up so fast she almost fell over, and ran to him, jumping up and hugging him.

Harry laughed breathlessly, hugging her tightly before gently setting her down.

"Oi, mate, get your hands off my girlfriend," Ron's joking tone cut in.

Harry turned to him, a bright smile on his face. He wrapped Ron in a hug too.

"You okay?" he whispered.

"I'll be okay," came the murmured response. "It's George I'm worried about."

Harry let go of Ron, smiling sadly, and watched his surroundings.

"Harry," a soft voice said behind him, and Harry turned to see Luna.

"Luna," he replied, smiling. He wrapped her in a soft hug.

"Thank you," she whispered. "You've saved us all, you brilliant boy."

Harry smiled as he let her go, but jumped when the doors opened suddenly.

Six Aurors marched into the room, faces solemn.

"Where is Draco Malfoy?" the front one, who Harry recognized as Hadrid Cray. 

The entire room seemed to still at that, and hesitantly, the blonde boy stood up from a table he was sitting at, shaking a bit.

"Draco Malfoy, you are being arrested on suspicion of the murder of Albus Dumbledore, as well as aiding Death Eaters."

The blood drained out of Draco's face as they marched toward him. Harry could see him shaking.

Harry had to do something.

He moved so quickly, most would say they didn't realize he had, and suddenly he was standing in front of Draco, and the Aurors were in front of him, looking shocked.

"Potter?" Draco said, breathless and surprised.

"Mr. Potter!" Cray said, his face hardening. "Move this instant."

"Draco didn't kill Dumbledore," Harry said. "Severus Snape did. I was there."

"Mr. Potter, despite your standing, I cannot believe the word of one man over solid evidence."

"Mr. Cray, despite your standing, I don't give a fuck."

Several gasps were heard round him. Draco made a small noise. Cray glared.

"This is the last time I will ask. Move."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Draco remained on our side of the war, despite pressure from his parents to switch sides. Draco fought by our side, and protected Hogwarts, which is honestly more than I can say for you. I notice you so conveniently appeared after Voldemort was gone."

Several jaws dropped. Seamus whistled low. Hermione looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Mr. Potter, we are taking Draco Malfoy with us."

Harry drew the Elder Wand, twirling it between his fingers. "You can try."

"I will curse you, Chosen One or not," Cray growled.

"I've already killed one man today, Mr. Cray. Don't think I won't kill another if I don't have to."

Gasps were heard at that, and two of the Aurors drew their wands.

"Did you just threaten me, Mr. Potter?"


Cray opened his mouth, but suddenly, Luna Lovegood was standing next to Harry.

"Draco did everything he could to get us extra food when we were imprisoned," she said softly.

"Wha- Miss, don't stand by these people, they're bad inf-"

"My name is Luna." Luna's voice was harsher than Harry had ever heard it. "And I've known Harry and Draco for seven years. I've known you for three minutes. I stand by them."

Cray glared, and then Hermione was on Harry's other side.

"Draco begged Bellatrix not to harm me," she said simply. 

And then Pansy was there, next to Hermione.

"Draco did everything he could to sabotage Death Eater plans," she said.

And then Ron was standing there, and Neville, and Blaise and Parvati and Ginny, and suddenly, half of the students at Hogwarts were forming a protective wall in front of Draco Malfoy, each with their own reason to defend him.

Harry studied them, and nodded, turning to Cray.

"So you can try and take Draco Malfoy, but we've taken down Death Eaters, Mr. Cray. You're an asshole in a suit, and if I need to, I'll kill you."

"Did you just threaten me, Mr. Potter?" Cray's voice was cold.

Harry lifted an eyebrow. "I don't think so. In fact, from my memory, you burst into our school and threatened several students, scaring many of us, and I really think a jury would believe anything I say over you. But, to be sure, Hermione, what just happened?"

"Hm," Hermione said, pretending to think about it. "I think he threatened Draco, and then you, and then several other students, and endangered our safety by pointing his wand at harmless students, battered from war."

Other people started nodding, going along with it. Cray glared.

"You-you can't-" he spluttered.

Harry lifted his wand, pointing it at his face.

"Get. The hell. Out," he said, his voice dangerous.

And then the Aurors were gone.

The students disbanded, many of them going back to where they had been before, some hugging Draco before returning, until Draco and Harry were left.

Harry went and sat at a bench, running his fingers through his hair.

Draco sat down, looking shocked.

"Why did you do that?" he whispered.

"Because you deserve happiness, Draco Malfoy, and because I'm sick and tired of consequences and I'm going into eighth year and I'd like for my pain in the ass ex-archenemy to be there for a sense of normal."

The edge of Draco's lips lifted upwards. "Ex archenemy?"

Harry smiled. "I was hoping we could be friends."

Draco smiled back. "I'd like that."

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