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*Draco's POV*

Draco grinned as he finished his drawing. His art skills had gotten much better over the years, and because of that, his drawing looked a lot more realistic.

It showed Harry, riding a broomstick, but instead of getting hit with a Bludger, there was a tiny Draco hitting him with a jet of red light. Harry falls off his broom.

Draco was going to color the light green, but he was instantly horrified by the idea and colored it red instead.

He folded it into a small crane and charmed it to float to Potter.


*Harry's POV*

Harry felt something hit his arm. He glanced at it to see a small paper crane.

He glanced up at Malfoy, who glared at him.

Flashbacks to last time Malfoy had sent him a crane caused Harry to push the crane to the side and ignore it. He didn't want Malfoy to get pleasure from seeing his reaction to the picture. He calmly ignored the crane for the rest of the class, and stuffed it into his bag at the end of class.

Malfoy seemed shocked that he had ignored it like that.

"Potter!" He marched up to him after class. "Aren't you gonna open it?"

Harry shrugged calmly. "Nope."

Malfoy gaped as he walked away.

And of course, the second Harry got to his dorm room, he opened the crane to see the ridiculous drawing.


Every day after that, in every class, Malfoy sent him a crane. Every day, in every class, Harry pushed them aside and crammed them in his backpack, much to Malfoy's irritation.

And every night, before bed, Harry read the notes. For some reason, it gave him comfort, that Malfoy put time and effort into this.

So he kept all of the notes in his nightstand drawer.
Most of them were just insults. You're a git. I hate you. Fucking read this, so I can insult you properly. You asshole. Your hair is ridiculous. A few were drawings, mostly degrading ones of Harry.

But Malfoy started to run out of insults. Then he just started venting about his day.

Pansy came out as lesbian, and apparently she likes your fucking pal Granger.

Kids still yell at me because I was a Death Eater.

I still have nightmares.

Blaise is a douche. He fucking poured his oatmeal on my lap because I didn't notice his new shirt.

Harry laughed at the last one. Draco was ridiculous.

Since when did he become Draco?

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