Sing a Song For Me (Part 2)

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Harry was full of nerves. Him and Draco hadn't practiced singing since that one day a week ago, and now it was Saturday and they were to sing in front of the class.

Deep breaths, he reminded himself. You know the song, and so does he.

He sighed, and watched as Hermione and Cho performed a Heaven-worthy singing of "Burned Out."

Then Ginny and Blaise sang "My My My!" together.

Neville and Pansy performed a very enthusiastic rendition of "Castle." (Neville had really gotten Pansy to love Halsey)

Ron and Goyle performed "Castle On The Hill" a lot better than Harry thought they would've.

Seamus and Dean performed a very sexual version of "Cowboy Casonova." Harry and Hermione agreed that they really shouldn't have been partnered together.

Then Harry realized he and Draco were up.

As he walked up to the stage, his heart felt heavy and his shoes felt like lead. God, he didn't want to do this.

As he faced the class, he noticed Draco looking at him out of the corner of his eye, which he ignored.

"And what will you be singing?" Ms. Verian glanced at them both disapprovingly. Since they had both skipped practice on Thursday, she wasn't very happy with them.

"Tomorrow Never Came by Lana Del Ray, of which Thomas Sanders did a cover," Draco replied calmly.

She nodded. "Begin when you're ready."

Harry plugged his phone into the speaker, and pressed play on their song.

The music started, and he imagined they were just back on the practice stage.

Just another practice.

"Hey, what you doin'?
Not a lot
Shakin' and movin' at my local spot
Baby, don't ask me why, don't ask me why
Why, why, why, why, why, why, why."

He noticed Hermione was gaping at him, but chose to ignore her.

"Lay, lady, lay
On the side of a paradise
In the Tropic of Cancer
'Cause if I had my way
You would always stay
And I'd be your tiny dancer, honey."

He was starting to get the flow of things, and his voice became more confident.

I waited for you,.
In the spot you said to wait
In the city, on a park bench
In the middle of the pouring rain.
'Cause I adored you.
I just wanted things to be the same
You said to meet me out there tomorrow
But tomorrow never came.
Tomorrow never came."

Draco softly cleared his throat, and started his part.

"Hey, what you thinking?
Penny for your thoughts.
Those lights are blinking,
On that old jukebox
But don't ask me why,
Just swallow some wine.

Harry thought that Draco truly did have a lovely voice.

"On the side of paradise,
In the Tropic of Cancer.
'Cause if I had my way,
You would always stay,
And you'd be my tiny dancer, baby."

Harry lifted his microphone again, joining Draco.

"I waited for you,
In the spot you said to wait.
In the city, on a park bench,
In the middle of the pouring rain.
'Cause I adored you.
And I just wanted things to be the same.
You said you'd meet me out there tomorrow,
But tomorrow never came.
Tomorrow never came."

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