5 Kisses

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Ive updated more in the last two days than i have in the last two months and thats the tea

"With five kisses, I can make you fall in love with me."

Harry was stupid to not believe him.

The first kiss was unexpected. 

Draco was so excited that he had gotten his interview that he just picked Harry up, spinning him around and kissing him brightly.

Harry had blushed and Draco had smiled and Harry already knew he was going to lose their bet.

The second kiss tasted of peppermint.

Ginny had placed mistletoe on the doorway, and Draco and Harry were caught underneath it. Draco smiled and kissed Harry slowly. He tasted of the peppermint candy he had been eating and Harry was addicted to it.

When Draco pulled away, it took everything in Harry's body to not kiss him again.

The third kiss was heated.

Harry had been teasing Draco all night, doing suggestive things to popsicles and leaving light touches on his thigh when they sat together.

The second they got away, Draco pushed Harry against the wall and kissed him, hard and rough and delicious.

When Draco pulled away, Harry was dazed and Draco was grinning.

The fourth kiss was sweet.

Draco had met him on the roof during a New Years' party and they stared at the stars. Draco showed him his namesake star, and Harry told him it wasn't as beautiful as him.

They heard the countdown in the background.

Draco laughed and said something about Harry being cheesy before turning and kissing him gently.

It tasted of chocolate and stars and he heard the cheering as the new year started.

The last kiss was full of tears.

Draco told him he was moving to France, he had gotten a job opportunity, but Harry knew he was trying to get away from him because he didn't know Harry was in love with him.

Draco was crying and told Harry he loved him and he cupped Harry's face in his hands and kissed him so softly Harry could barely believe it was real.

When the blonde pulled away, Harry grabbed his hand and placed ten Galleons in it.

Draco stared at it and asked him what he was doing.

Harry shrugged. "Your winnings. You won the bet."

He turned around to walk away, but Draco grabbed his hand.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asked.

Harry just smiled. "Yeah, I think so."

Draco shook his head. "Say it."

"I love you."

Draco breathed out a sigh of relief and pulled Harry close to him for another kiss, a promise of many more to come lingering in both of their minds.

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