Within The Chaotic Sea Of Life, We Find Calm

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This story is something I made to calm my anxiety today and for Remus because they're feeling a bit stressed. This is also dedicated to the Bad Bitches Club groupchat. Have a good day.

This story contains one of my OC's from Hold My Hand

Question of the day: How are you feeling today?

"When a soothing wind blows gently love through the thistledown of expectations, hope may inveigle the future for timeless care and tenderness to be anchored in a bay of good luck. ("Happiness blowing in the wind" )"
- Erik Pevernagie

Harry never feels more at ease than when he's with Draco and his friends.

The pair are sitting underneath an apple tree Neville had planted at the end of the war and enchanted to grow immediately. Draco's back rests comfortably against it, Harry laying sideways with his head in the blonde's lap.

Draco holds a book just above where Harry's head is, gold-framed glasses slipping down his nose as he looks down to read it.

Harry lazily waves his wand, enchanted small blue flowers to twirl gently through the air, delicately weaving in between each other to create a circlet of flowers.

Harry sits up and reaches out, placing the crown atop Draco's head.

"You're the Flower Prince," he says with a smile.

"Thought I was the Ice Prince," Draco replies, unable to hide the smile tugging at his lips.

"Nope. Your title has been removed. Blaise has it. You're the Flower Prince."

"Does that make you my princess?" Draco asks, eyes flicking up from his book to meet Harry's.

Harry grins. "That makes me whatever you want."

"I want you to be my prince, and we'll rule this kingdom together," Draco decides, before returning to his book.

Harry's smile is bright as he glances out towards the others.

Pansy sits on Hermione's lap, their foreheads resting together as they smile, fingers laced. They don't seem to realize they're swaying slightly to the music Ron had conjured.

Felix is laughing from his place atop Ron's shoulders, holding the redhead's hands to stabilize himself and because he wants to, brilliant smiles on both of their faces.

Blaise is attempting to teach Neville how to dance in the middle of the grassy field, and although Neville is failing miserably, they're both laughing and having fun.

Luna is wandlessly twirling flower petals above Ginny's face as the redhead girl lays back on the grass, relaxed and smiling. Ginny waves her hand, and ten of the flower petals combine into one flower, which she hands to Luna.

Dean and Seamus are flying on broomsticks above them, laughter occasionally ringing out, and every once in a while they fly low and do little flips before coming back up.

Harry feels a smile cross his face at the peace and tranquility of the scene. He turns back to Draco and grins even more.

The blonde has abandoned his book in favor of attempting to make a flower crown. Instead of making it with magic like Harry, he is summoning the flowers with magic and winding them together with his hands. A serene look is across his face as they smoothly wind together and he holds it up proudly, before placing it atop Harry's head.

"There. Now you're my prince," he murmurs. 

Harry smiles, leaning forward to kiss the blonde's nose delicately. Draco blushes.

"You're beautiful," he murmurs. Draco blushes more.

"You're more beautiful," he whispers.

"And I'm more beautiful than both of you!" Felix calls out right before he lands in Harry's lap. "Hello."

"Bonjour," Draco says dramatically. "What do you want? Shouldn't you be falling off Ron's shoulders?"

"Been there, done that," Felix says casually, flipping his hand. "We're gonna play a friendly game of Quidditch and we need our best Seekers. C'mon, losers." He hops off Harry's lap.

The boys grin and stand. Draco's hand instinctively slips into Harry's as they start walking and Harry smiles.

These people are his family, and he is home.

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