The Map

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Dedicated to AutumnBaine thank you for the amazing idea!!!!!!!!

Draco jogged up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower. After muttering "Bittersweet", he stepped through the portrait and grinned at Harry.

Harry was curled up on a chair in front of the fire, his notebook resting on his raised knees as he drew.

"Hey Harry." Draco sat on the chair opposite him.

Harry smiled at him quickly before returning to his drawing.

"Whatcha drawing?"

Harry's eyes rose. "A map."

Draco frowned. A map? For what class?

"A map?"

Harry nodded.


Harry didn't look up. "Purely recreational purposes."

Draco frowned before slouching down in his seat.

He remained that way for thirty seconds before standing to see Harry's drawing.

It was two eyes, a mirror image of his own, down to the color, perfectly drawn by Harry.

"Harry," Draco said slowly.

"Yeah?" Harry looked up innocently.

"You said you were drawing a map."

Harry nodded.

"Those... are my eyes."

Harry nodded again. "I often get lost in them."

Draco stilled for five seconds before repeatedly smacking Harry with a pillow.

"Ow! What the hell?! I'm sorry, I take it back, Christ!" Harry shouted.

Draco hugged Harry. "That was the most fucking adorable thing you've ever said!!"

Harry blushed before Draco planted a soft kiss on his lips.

Harry immediately responded, before breaking away to stare into Draco's eyes.

"Don't get lost," Draco said breathlessly. "Don't wanna lose you."

Harry smiled. "I'll always have my map to guide me."

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